XboxEra Community Hangout |OT13| The Bakers Dozen

Continuing the discussion from XboxEra Community Hangout |OT12| The Dirty Dozen - #10160 by KaykyEleuOreo.

Previous discussions:


So, Pearl Abyss newest game launched their latest trailer involving gameplay.

What are the people’s thoughts?

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I think it looks great. Visually very nice with all kinds of stuff wildly swaying in the wind, very cool. Combat seems fun as well and I really like how blood stays on the boss creature, whereas in most games you don’t see this at all.

This game started development as a MMORPG and then turned into a singleplayer game if I’m not mistaken. If this turns out well with interesting quests and storytelling, nice locations to explore then it might be something to look forward to for sure. Still no release date though. :frowning:

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New thread smell… Gotta love it


Re: Crimson Desert. IDK. All the sparks and fur and snowflake effects (plus it being yet another souls-inspired game) is really not doing it for me.

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I’ve been flying and waiting for connections in Australia since 10am this morning, it’s now 9:15pm and about to board an 11hr flight to Dubai. I won’t get to Cologne until tomorrow afternoon.


Safe Journeys.

Also, how will you cope not being in business deluxe class cabin?


I’ll be fine, plenty of walking and a big sleep to pass time. If I wasn’t taking my Daughter, I likely would have gone 1st class from Perth to Dubai if i was going alone.

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It really looks like it has the same feel as Rain on Your Parade, which is awesome! In case anyone hasn’t checked it out, give it a look:

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It does feel like piling on Xbox is currently the trendy thing to do - the developers of HAAK had issues with the backend process (which other devs have piped up and said they didn’t), publicly cancelled the port and then publicised Xbox’s very reasonable and supportive response…

Also, while it seems clear they may have hit some bug or issue that someone at Xbox has to manually clear (which has now been done it seems), expecting bug fixes to be deployed to huge corporate environments within 3 or 4 months (as per their final update, issues reported in April 2024 not sorted yet) is a bit nuts.

Microsoft would only deploy a major security threat fix that quickly - most bug fixes for consumer software (such as Visual Studio) can often take a year or so, and even in much smaller applications a bug fix may still have to wait for the next patch bundle - plus dealing with such systems is a ballache on all platforms, I remember the iOS App Store submission and approval process being a particular pain in the ass when I had to build apps for my previous employer’s customers.

The childish “nope even though you sorted the issue we’re not going to proceed with the port” response to Xbox has caused any sympathy I had for the developer to dissipate…

(Forgot to say, don’t bother with the comments - most are PS fans on a drive-by from PushSquare as usual, or doom-and-gloomers)


One of the downsides of being a smaller platform, having a worse rep, and being more open / conciliatory is that people will air dirty laundry in public (especially when all devs are hanging on by a fingernail). As opposed to when people started talking about how much less indie sales they get on PS, they were clearly being very cautious and expected recrimination.

Is what it is and is kinda just the price Xbox will keep having to pay. But at least, it means they will know all their flaws way more and sooner.


Could do without the wrestling moves but otherwise, looks awesome. Can see Pearl Abyss breaking out console wise with Crimson Desert being their Witcher 3 moment. And if they’re still working on Plan 8, oh man, im very excited for what they can become.

Crimson Desert White Horn boss battle trailer -

Plan 8 -

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Sand Land is such a damn enjoyable game. It’s funny, has very likely characters, looks great, the resource collecting is very worth it for building parts and then vehicles and they really nailed the vehicle combat. The story is good too, map is fun to explore. I am glad I bought this. It’s anything but short too.

My only gripes so far are the repeated spoken dialogue which occurs WAY too often. And the other is how samey most of the dungeons/temples are. It’s a bummer because I just had a temple in the story that had a totally different look and level design, should’ve had this for the non story ones too.

Such a shame Toriyama is not here to see the positive reactions to his creation.


I wouldn’t worry about it. Most devs seem to be very happy with the ID@Xbox program. The only ones complaining are those who have their “games” rejected. If you look at some of the garbage landing on the PlayStation store, you’ll know why. (But even PlayStation has gotten a bit stricter lately.)

Personally, I’m glad that I don’t have to wade through a pool of asset-flip titles when I’m browsing new releases or a sale. I’ll take quality over quantity. There are way too many games as it is, even on Xbox.


Who knows what a day one patch might bring but…

It doesn’t hold 50, not to mention 60. Goes as low as 39.

And I start to see people begging for the Pro, something tells me even that won’t have it 100% smooth. It’s UE5 after all.


Coming to PC 9.17.24

I am hoping the announcement for Xbox will be very soon now.


Either tomorrow at Gamescom ONL or TGS would be nice


Yeah, has to to. If not it’s gonna be just frustrating to be honest. We waited quite a bit, PC version announcement is out the door, let’s do it. NateDrake recently said it’s happening, it’s just up to SE to announce.

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eXtas1s :video_game: Noticias & Rumores on X: “Demasiados ardidos hoy en mi TL… ¿Cuál es el pánico de algunos que Final Fantasy XVI llegue a Xbox? (Porque va a llegar aproximadamente en los próximos 6 meses)” / X

Seemingly hinting the Xbox version is coming in the next 6 months, which makes me think an announcement might come this week or at TGS