August 5, 2020, 10:57pm
As requested by the community, this is going to be the official thread where members can go if they are looking for others to play games.
Many current and future Xbox games will have heavy multiplayer implementations and this thread will help players find others to play those games with.
Simply post below what game you want to play with others and hopefully others will be available to play.
XboxEra Club:
Search for this on your Xbox and join accordingly.
August 5, 2020, 11:00pm
This is a WIP. When a game like Halo Infinite comes out later in the year we will have to figure out a structured way of getting group play sessions together.
Maybe we should collate Gamertags? Many have them on their profiles but maybe a list would be good.
Xbox: Shpeshal Nick
PlayStation: Shpeshal_Nick
Switch: 0455-2250-3052
Rocket League
Modern Warfare II
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August 6, 2020, 1:12am
Maybe we should collate Gamertags? Many have them on their profiles but maybe a list would be good.
Xbox: Shpeshal Ed
PlayStation: Shpeshal_Ed
Switch: 0455-2250-3052
Rocket League
Street Fighter V
Killzone Shadow Fall
Modern Warfare
Good idea. Maybe to make this more structured follow that format
Gamertag(s) and then list what games you are interested in playing online with others
GT: Hammer2424
I still think it’d be a good idea if someone from upper management could open a XboxEra Group for us measly peasants…
GT: Opatschi
Play: Halo MCC, Halo 5, Sea of Thieves, Modern Warfare and no particular COOP stuff
You play KZ shadowfall? :o
Anyone wants to play apex/modern warfare / bleeding edge/ siege?
Gamertag: NekuWitTheDraco
Xbox: NutterBz
Steam: NutterB
I have a PSN, but I hardly play anything on it.
I’m not sure about putting it all in a public list that a bot can just collect data from
Maybe a hidden tag equivalent like in era would be great
Anyone that still has an Xbox 360 WITH Forza Motorsport 2 get at me! Im trying to get the achievement for earning 1 million in online races. Lets help each other out…
Ganertag: OneBadMutha
Play too much Halo 5. Also CoD arena modes. Will join into almost any stupid thing on Game Pass. If anyone wants to try out something new there, let me know.
August 9, 2020, 9:02pm
Gamertag: SomniaGG
PSN: Somnia
Steam: Somnia
Mainly playing more story focused games right now before the consoles hit, but I play WAY too much Warzone.
August 9, 2020, 9:19pm
GT: rngesus37 PSN: thefluke.
I need to get some online buddies. Don’t have anything in specific to be playing though I might check out Destiny 2 when it hits games pass.
GT: brunopcosta1
The only game I play every single day is FIFA, but I play a little of everything, specially while achievement hunting. Lately I’ve been playing a lot of Gears 5 and I plan to waste a lot of time on Avengers when it launches.
(Cole Braswell)
August 10, 2020, 12:46am
I don’t know if this has been suggested but an Xbox Club could be another way to find people to play with!
August 10, 2020, 5:19am
Gamertag: DeoGame99
PSN: DeoGame99 (staked out for next gen, lost my PS3 credentials but can’t log in on it)
I play: Halo MCC, Halo 5, Gears 5, Forza Horizon 4, Bleeding Edge (Kulev and Daemon main).
I am not awful at: Forza Horizon 4, Bleeding Edge, Gears 5 on a good day.
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(Tachibana Real Estate )
August 10, 2020, 5:49am
My GT is Deviouz 143…i play whatever as long as it’s fun…
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I think that’s a great Idea @Shpeshal_Nick