XboxEra Community Hangout |OT8| Waiting for E3 2023

So, fck Nintendo, Square Enix… and Sony in advance for whatever moneyhat they got ready for today

Personally I bought the first one, but not yet the second one. Would be a great addition. I don’t think they are in the TGS sale now either.

Not entirely sure though.

Very interesting about exclusive titles on the current State of Play. Not sure if I want to watch it today or tomorrow as I need to wake up early tomorrow, but I can go sleep now and wake up later.

Whether I want to be on the front lines of complains or not…Decisions, decisions.

The Snitch basically said no major games.

Bamco continues to treat Xbox fans good. Square Enix won’t get a cent from me. I played Octopath on GP and was originally planning to purchase it but fuck that noise.


That’s true but maybe there is some small time exclusive game which will trigger me :joy:

Wow. How does Xbox just keep messing stuff up this year? Cant we just get anything nice?

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Huh? Exaggeration to say the least.




Pentiment GOTY.

Here’s a correction in regards of Goldeneye’s online, the XBLA final build never had online multiplayer implemented at all, what happens is that its akin to NSO, people were playing it online via tunneling with Xlink Kai which uses the System Link (LAN) to be connected onlined on other consoles, the software works as an online LAN router.

So yes, it is “exclusive” because what the N64 emulator does is hack the multiplayer controller ports to be detected on online consoles, the same stuff you can do with most emulators on PC, if Goldeneye on Xbox One and Series still have the System Link, you can do what I’ve said on the first paragraph.

Feel free to spread around this information.


Since this is pretty much “Japanese games week”…

Hope Xbox can walk away with more than Fatal Frame and Symphonia. I mean those are great, they are just ports though, and already are from “close” publishers.

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Yeah, I didn’t know how trueachievement works, but realized once i seen halo was only at 400K haha. I am sure the game had plenty of downloads.

Exaggeration how exactly? They’ve delayed everything, Halo is a mess, The Initiative has major issues and many staff left, Everwild was such a mess it got rebooted, the competition continues to get major 3rd party deals that keep content off Xbox and games off gamepass, gamepass has majorly fallen off on conolse this year, and now this absolute mess with Goldeneye.

Love to see it on the Xbox channel.

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Just an horrible take.


Game Pass is incredible and the biggest boon any console has in gaming.

Delays are positive, rather that than a shite game.

Cherry picking struggling studios would have made sense back when Xbox had less than 30 of them.


This is a nonsense post

and the fact you brought up Everwild of all things is very strange


30+ year olds angsting over video games