Goldeneye 007 Remastered coming to Xbox and Game Pass (Achievements, 4K, Split-screen)

no online multiplayer.


From the article :

an HD remaster was supposed to launch on Xbox 360 in 2008, but licensing and rights issues complicated a deal to ever release it

Nintendo to blame for this. No doubt they were stubborn as hell

In the 2020’s this is what I meant… but I’ll edit to be clear :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s 2022, local multiplayer only might as well be no multiplayer

It’s ironic that the console that’s better suited for local multiplayer but has terrible online has 007 online but the console that built it’s name on multiplayer doesn’t


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So this is not the Remaster that we’re looking for?

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It was this that we wanted?

And for some reason Nintendo said no to Xbox, basically? Which would be pretty shitty with Xbox having done some cool stuff for them like Banjo and Minecraft character in Smash.

No that’s a different game

Could be Nintendo, could be the owners of the IP, who knows. What I know is that Xbox would have released the HD Remastered in a heartbeat. It is enterely possible they just can’t.

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Something interesting on the achievement list on True Achievements, for the multiplayer achievements it lists them as obtainable in online and offline modes. In comparison, the ‘Complete a level’ achievements are Offline only.

To further add to this, Overcooked, which was a couch co-op only title, lists every achievement, including the one for it’s versus mode as Offline only.

So either the 007 statement is mistaken or misspoken, or something changed last minute.


Oh I have no doubt about that either.

What the is the story about this remaster, it never came out on 360? I’ve never really looked it up and researched it.

I would not be surprised that Nintendo wanted to have some exclusivity at least for online. This game is more important for Xbox folks than Nintendo anyway.

TA aren’t affiliated with Xbox

It’s just how they have the achievements listed, it will likely be edited now that they know it’s local only

With the version being released, it is due to the Switch being the only one to add online to retro titles ( basically a streamed split-screen online ).

It’s been 8 million years !! Finally !


Look im not bothered with online tbh. Does it have some of the minor gameplay tweaks the remaster had??

hype went from 100 to 0 when i see its the n64 version of the game


You can voice disappoinment without being dramatic like this

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I guess some people would ague preferring it not release on Xbox at all than release as an underwhelming port