Can’t wait for Horizon 5 to look better and being a cross-gen too.
His reporting is weird sometimes, especially his tweets…
It’s obvious that he can say anything about Xbox, because he don’t care, but must have many contacts with Sony devs he wants to keep close. I get that that’s his job…
Oh, well, everybody knew GoW was 2022 anyway…
Y’know, I don’t want to sound like a twat, but as an outsider, I can’t stand Sony’s PR division.
It’s so dumb that they played the “we believe in generations” card just to then release more first pert games cross-gen than Xbox in 2021 and likely 2022 as well.
It’s also dumb that they announced God Of War as 2021 when everyone within an inch of the industry knew it was bullshit. Horizon is obviously a bit more understandable, but I’m still a bit salty that Rachet and Clank was touted as a ‘launch window’ game.
I just hate how their PR division is seemingly taking data from Twitter and YouTube comments, like look at these paragraphs.
No one
No one at all
Do you see single-player, narrative games as essential to the PlayStation Studios console experience?
It’s just such eye rolling crap. Their blog posts seem to just exist to rile up fanboys and misdirect until it’s no longer convenient. “We value exclusives!, but we will bring some (maybe all!) games to PC whenever we feel like it ”. Just commit to something instead of trying to play both sides.
I love a lot of what PlayStation do, but this isn’t one of them.
This fake histeria on the crossgen games is so funny. Sony has some of the most technically impressive studios and releasing a game on PS4 is suddenly an issue? Okay
In short they lie and get away with it mostly so far it seems. I much prefer Xbox transparency.
okay they are getting crucified for being dishonest, it goes without saying sony made it seems like their games were only capable on their next gen hardware, this is PR talk backfiring so hard
so many lies
I think issue was being sold on the “we believe in generations” quote which made people think a game needs to be next gen only to be impressive. Say what you want about their cross gen games but they all have been visually and technically impressive, so I don’t think there are any hinderance of cross gen. I just think placebo effect happened due to Jim’s word about generations, but now I think people are okay with it after playing stuff such as miles morales and seeing horizon in action
So in less than a year
Ratchet went from launch window to June
“We believe in generations” out the window with GoW, Horizon, GT, Miles, etc being cross gen.
GoW delayed to 2022 and Horizon hanging on a thread
Sounds good
I still don’t understand Sony’s stagger releases for bringing games to PC. I honestly don’t think there is a correlation of games being available on PC affecting sales on consoles.
Please discuss this news in the respective thread
So there you go guys. While MS was upfront with everything, Sony tried to delay the inevitable, they got hit pretty hard as well by Covid.
That’s it.
Make the game next gen only:
* Best Experience overall
*Makes PS5 owners happy
* Less copies sold because of less users
* Makes PS4 users angry because they cannot find a PS5
* Worse experience because gameplay design needs to take account of the PS4's/Pro's hardware as
Like everyone else, Sony got hit hard by covid atm. They’re in a dammed if you do, dammed if you don’t situation. Jim messed up with the “believe in generations” quote and should’ve just been honest from the jump.
The issue is not that the games are cross-gen (everybody knew, even PS fans). Not saying anything for months and waiting june is…
It’s not some last minute delays, like I can believe happened for HFW.
It’s just the worst for gamers after saying “we believe in generations”. Words have a meaning. If you don’t even belive in your own words, what’s the point ? They deserve that backlash…exactly like Xbox Live outcry a few months ago.
I seem to recall that I did tell a user on this forum to hold on their assertion that Sony was riding out Covid and why Microsoft couldn’t handle it better.
No one in the video game industry has not been affected by Covid, so maybe we all should keep that in mind going forward eh.
No, I think they just flat out lied honestly for marketing purposes. You don’t come out and say the opposite thing to your competitor shortly after they got a ton of backlash. They didn’t just suddenly make the game support PS4 it would’ve been built for PS4, I’m sure they were building PS4 versions for their games when they said we believe in generations.
Oh ! Jim Ryan knew full well that Sony was following the same path as Xbox in terms of cross generation but decided to let them take the flak and let the narrative set in.
It was fucked he lied to people but it was very smart marketing.