Xbox Game Pass |OT| Our Backlogs Are Doomed

Honestly I’m probably going to buy the whole Yakuza series on Xbox. It’s so good and I’ve really enjoyed it.

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if this can come then surely Battlefield can do the same especially if they need the players after the clusterfuck of BFV

I reckon battlefield will come, especially if it is only on the next gen (or current gen now) consoles. As it will already have a much lower potential install base.

Games like that benefit from a high install base and make money from in game purchases, map packs etc.

We won’t officially know the first batch of next month’s Game Pass games until May 4…

… and yet we already have:

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I forgot about the Wild at Heart!!

Will it be under a trial period of 10 hours to play the whole game, or is it not limited ?

My second most anticipated game of May behind RE Village

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I will confess, I didn’t even know about this game until now :sweat_smile:

It’s the full game. So no time limit.

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Damn that’s great !

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I thought they may do this for the instant boost for the online community. Now most everyone can give it a chance.

I first learned about it at the indie event and I’ve been pretty excited for it sense. Looks like a pikmin game with a cool art style.

1st batch 1st Tuesday of the month (4th of May) and the second batch will probably be 18th of May).

Just created the OT for Second Extinction, releasing on Game Pass in two days :slight_smile:

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Why May 4th?

First tuesday in the month, that’s how they usually roll.


Since it likely will be on May 4, any chances some of it will be Star Wars related? :blush:


That would mean Heroes II, I guess?

If so, that’s incredible how they are willing to go back to as far as 2017 to bring ove the catalogue.