Microsoft in talks with Discord over $10 billion+ acquisition

If they do buy Discord, expect it everywhere – even on Playstation and Nintendo.

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It won’t be on either.

Playstation and Nintendo are closed systems. It will remain on mobile/pc and have a deep Xbox integration if they do acquire it. Lots gamers on PS and Nintendo use Discord and if Xbox is another entry point in which they can access their groups, then it becomes another value prop to jump into the Xbox ecosystem.

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Creating a thread in record time.

Good show mods. @Predrag

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I’m trying to find the podcast episode where I mentioned Discord. Need the receipts…

I just find it suspicious that ALL credible journos are reporting simultaneously at this stage. An IPO does not happen like this.

Tinfoil hat on.

Microso has tried to buy Discord a few times already but they were unwilling to sell so let’s see what happens now. It makes sense for MS to buy Discord.

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Please let it happen!

If they go public, it is guaranteed that Tencent will be there.

Microsoft will buy anything which could increase there Azure Revenue and operations.

Phil played the best move along with Kareem to link Xbox and Azure.

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Think big. If this is ever successful they could use discord as a streaming platform and use the “pass” as amazon “prime”.

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This is exactly why MS coud be interested. Discord would help bring new tech to improve MS products.

Not sure about that. Discord is not that profitable at all.

I didn’t heard it in a podcast, but I think you mentioned it on a thread in response to an italian insider stating that Microsoft wanted to put Discord on Xbox, and you said you heard some rumblings about MS and Discord, but you didn’t know what it was.

Yeah I recall saying it ok the podcast too. Just can’t remember when.

Found it


Thanks, I was trying to look for it too :smile:

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I’d rather they use the $11 Billion for Discord to buy out Square Enix and any other moneyhat recipients.


Microsoft can easily do both (in terms of having enough money).


If they wanted to buy Tiktok for 50b, they will use that money on someone else. So 10b for Discord, 25b for T2, 5b for Sega and 10b for SE :grin:


This is very narrow minded. This purchase would be for the future. Gaming is going to be (or is) the most important entertainment media down the line and having a proper social platform is key.