HALOERA Podcast | You Had Me at Halo Podcast |OT| The Great Journey

We are going live with Ian of Halo Canon!


Last minute questions then:

  1. What’s that one thing you really, really hope will happen in Season 2 of the show?

  2. Is there a specific character from the Halo universe you would like to see make an appearance?

Hugs, Mort.

Timestamps are up for those who missed us live.

In my humble opinion, this was one of our best episodes yet, and Ian was a phenomenal guest. I think we all had a great time!


It was great to watch, Ian was indeed phenomenal. I hope you bring him back sometime!

Mort the Ignored.


He really was. I caught the tail end live. But just listened from the begining, at work and he was phenominal. Best yet, and far better than your first ever guest, whom I will not name


We are back this Thursday with a Halo focus of course but feel free to drop us questions about all the news of the past week!



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Hello Halo followers,

a different question from the kinds I have been asking before. Recently fan conventions are returning to convention centres and hotels in larger numbers, and fans are flocking to these cons in increasing numbers (for better or for worse.)

One thing I have been seeing is that many people are dressing up in Spartan armour. It’s possibly due to the Halo TV show. Cosplayers are one of the most impressive of fandom, but fandom exists in things like original videos, fan fiction and art.

So I would like to ask the YHMAH team what the most impressive or entertaining piece of fan expression they have experienced.


Greetings Spartaneers

After seeing Starfield, it brought the old thought to my head about a Halo RPG. My question for you all is, if they ever did make one, what sort of RPG would like to it to be. Would like something like a Bethesda, Bioware, CD Project style Western RPG? Or more like turn-based thing like a JRPG, or Wasteland. Or maybe an action RPG, perhaps Twin Stick style, or something I’m not even thinking of

And would you want your protagonist to be a Spartan, a human, a Covenant race alien…Gerault? What?


It’s weird how this is not a thing allready. Halo has so much lore and world building, the game practically writes itself. I guess they hate money or something.

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Greetings and salutations!

Three questions from me this time:

  1. Now that the Xbox Showcases are behind us, which trailer is the one you have gone back and rewatched the most?

  2. Were you surprised that the next 12 months have nothing new, big from Halo coming? When do you think we’ll get campaign DLC and Tatanka?

  3. Which was the best: Sarah Bond’s dress or Todd Howard’s Leather jacket of Presentation+1 ?

Hugs, Mort.

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I’ve gotten two full endings so far. working on a third, so I might do some VR tomorrow morning

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Going live for our first of hopefully weekly Halo play streams!

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Posting today’s VOD from @SoulBlazerz here, should be live in 45 minutes to an hour.

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I know this isn’t directed towards me but I’ll answer the first two.

  1. I have rewatched the Flintlock trailer 5 times including the extended trailer from the PC Gaming Show.

  2. I wasn’t surprised with no Halo Infinite. If they have nothing ready to show, why be there? I’m hoping for the story campaign expansion in 2023 but im not expecting it so if it does release next year, it will be a pleasant surprise.

We are live Thursday (tomorrow) at 7:15pm EDT! Hit us up with ANY questions you have for the panel whether they are Halo focused or not for this one!


Hello not-the-XboxEra-podcast panel!

Two questions:

Halo question: have you played Fall Guys and donned the Master Chief skin?

Podcast question: last week we had the Final Fantasy Seven 25th Anniversary event, and yesterday the Nintendo third party partners Direct. While Xbox players are happy to see Final Fantasy 7 Crisis Core Remake coming to the console, there was mixed to poor reactions with the news that Final Fantasy Seven Remake missing Xbox and then the Megaman Battle Network Legacy Collection getting released everywhere but Xbox. It seems like for every step forward (Persona) we then fall back two steps.

I am interested in the panel’s thoughts about getting Japanese games on the platform, and especially new games and new IP’s. What needs to be done to ensure Xbox is part of the dialogue?


Oh, one more thing- can each of the panel members say “What’s going on??”

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Well, hello there Spartans…

Glad to see YHMAH stand when the others fall! :wink: I’ll throw a few questions your way:

  1. I recently learned that goofy cosmetics is avoided in Halo Infinite due to the horrible Halo community throwing a fit at everything. So with that in mind, what would be your most goofy cosmetic item you’d add simply to piss off all the toxic assholes on r/halo etc?

  2. Lots of games from Xbox coming next year, which one do you think releses first and when and why?

  3. What’s your top 3 most anticipated games this fall?

  4. Which will be better; The Callisto Protocol or Dead Space Remake?

Hugs, Mort.


Honestly did not have any questions for you gentleman this week. Kind of done with Halo for a little while. Really over did it the last couple months. But since you’re the defacto Xboxera podcast this week…

What game releasing this summer and fall are you all looking forward to the most? I’d go Darktide