xCloud (Xbox Cloud Gaming) |OT| An Apple a day, keeps cloud gaming away

I always have trouble seeing the difference in side-by-side pictures but I love that MS are pushing this so hard. I read that the BC team went to work on Xcloud so I hope to see improvements like this become more common!

With my pictures make them bigger and look at the shadow of the car on the right side with the wing in the shadow too, it takes the blur away and looks much sharper. For some reason too even the hill in the right top looks different too. Also look at the badge on the bottom right of the car that is suppose to say SENNA you can barely read it on the non boost mode but it’s clear as day on the boost mode.

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Thank you, that helps a lot! The plants on the right and the yellow line look better to me too :smiley:

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Yup and the road texture looks much better too!

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They seriously have tech wizards on their side. The future is seriously bright for Xbox.

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I wonder if this is orion tech from Bethesda :thinking:

did they bump up the framerate for the good life??? the game is running at what feels like 60fps now. can anyone else check this or am i imagining things?

edit: ah nvm i see the game was updated to support 60fps. woohooo!

I think Orion needs to be implemented into the game

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It is not. Orion tech requires changes to the game code run as a server.

impressive, it sharpens the picture without noticeable halo artefacts you usually get with these techniques.

More cloud news coming this week.

Xcloud keeps on getting smoother each time I use it. Next level wizardry

I was shockingly surprised how smooth Xcloud worked back in Puerto Rico this past week. Last time I was there it was barely usable.

Yacht Rock Fader GIF by Justin

I’m playing Halo Infinite so far with Xbox Cloud Gaming. 24 hours mp+campaign

my experience with Xcloud has been good so far. they solved the problems with the queues :pray: and the input lag that is almost imperceptible. my only problem is with the image… i think it can be improved. is still in beta. but i hope that in the future they will improve bitrate or providing more resolutions like 1440p or 4K.

but it’s amazing that xcloud is doing so well in Brazil :grinning:.

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This never occurred to me before so it might be a stupid question: What happens if I own a cloud-enabled game and it gets taken off of Game Pass (Ultimate)?

For example, I own Yakuza 0; it’s cloud-enabled and it’s leaving Game Pass soon. Will I still be able to stream the console version I have in library to my phone/computer/console? What about touch controls? As far as I know we’ve vaguely heard that they want to expand cloud versions to games in your library as well in time but I’m not sure about this case.


Don’t think you’d be able to stream via xcloud once it leaves game pass (which is lame), would need to be through streaming from your own console.

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Gotcha, that is lame since I can use console streaming to play games that aren’t cloud-enabled or on Game Pass at all. Hope they manage to figure this out because it’s a nice value-add to the ecosystem (not like they’re at risk of losing me or anything :sweat_smile:)

Thanks for the answer, pg2g.

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Streaming your owned games isn’t possible (other than remote play). That is on the roadmap eventually though as they mentioned it in 19

Hmm, guess I’m mixing up console streaming and remote play. I’m talking about launching the Xbox app on my computer and selecting my Xbox. Which both says “SpiderLink has started playing remotely” and “Stop streaming” so :man_shrugging: Either way, I’ll withdraw my complaint since there’s more to this than I thought. Still hope they sort it out though!
