XboxEra’s 2023 Backlog Challenge |OT| Third Time's the Charm... Right?

Very glad to see someone making progress here. I have been taking a break from gaming for the last month after finishing Starfield.

I should have a few completions pretty quickly after I dive back in since I have a handful of games I am close to finishing.


-1 Dead Rising 2–I could resist.

-1 Below— It reminded me a lot of Tunic


Ok. I finally have some results to report.


  • Resident Evil 2 Remake
  • Resident Evil 3 Remake
  • Baldurs Gate 3

+3 Total


  • Starfield GamePass early access + expansion 1 (-0.5)
  • Cyberpunk Phantom Liberty (-0.5)

-1 Total

Net Increase +2

Really enjoyed the Resident Evil games. You may recall that the first Resident Evil I played to completion was 7 earlier this year. While I enjoyed that it did not really connect to the RE story/mythology I knew from the movies. So I was very happy to see Racoon City, Tyrant, Nemesis and other familiar story elements in 2 and 3.

I did not realize until halfway through 3 that 2 and 3 have overlapping timelines - with some parts of 3 happening before 2 and some after. I thought that was pretty cool and well done.

I think 2 was pretty obviously a better game than 3, but I enjoyed both.

Baldurs Gate is obviously really great, but Act 3 was definitely the weakest. It definitely felt rushed/incomplete at times. The game has almost infinite replayability - and I’m sure I will do multiple playthroughs over the years. But I think I’ll put it down until the ultimate edition (or whatever) comes out and they have done all the patching/adding they plan to do.

Question for the group: Dead Space 1 is in my backlog. I have never played more than an hour or two of it. Do I get credit for a completion if I play Dead Space remake in Game Pass or is that considered a completely different game?

Edit: All completions above were on Steam, so unfortunately no Gamerscore points.


Quake 2 +1

MGS1 Collection -1

I’ve been slacking a bit and game pass games keep stealing all my free time. Think I’ll start something on my Steam library and hopefully stick to it.


Imo you would get credit for the completion of the remake. I would consider it the same game.


Updated leaderboard:


+1 Robocop: Rogue City (1000/1000 too)

My personal favorite game I’ve played this year. I wish more studios would recalibrate and focus on experiences like this. Just balls to the wall chaos for 10-15 hours. AAA feel on AA scale. Just a fantastic game.

When you get the PCB for the AUTO9 that allows unlimited ammo and full auto fire it is the most fun I’ve had playing a game in ages.


I’ve seen Jesse play some on stream and it looks really fun. I’ve put it on my wishlist. I really like the B-movie feel.

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Could someome remind me when does the challenge ends? Getting nervous looking at those @profjjj points :eyes:

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December 15th.


Cold Fear +1

As a big fan of the Resident Evil series I always wanted to check out Cold Fear but never got around to it. It’s an alright B-Horror survival horror game set on a Russian ship that kinda helped differentiate it from most survival horror games at the time. Feels like The Thing and RE4 smashed together with a predictable story. A wee bit out dated now and requires some work to get going on newer hardware. Glad I finally checked it out. Another game off my Steam Backlog.

Thinking of finally playing Manhunt for real next.


An IP ubi will never visit again (like inmortals :c)

+1 Dead Rising 2 (PC)

+1 Blade Assault (PC)

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Only a week left now… I don’t think I will win hehe. Here’s the current leaderboard:


I dont think you could even win the last place spot if you tried!


I crushed it this year!!


Haha, very true.

I think they should give you a title for having the most negative points in the challenge haha.

Meanwhile…I’m looking at @profjj nervously.

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Do Battle Passes count

Nothing to worry about from me. My gaming time has been down dramatically since averaging 30 hours a week during my BG3 + Starfield summer/fall.

I have started several games since then, and dabbled with a bunch of Game Pass titles, but I am not close to any non-GP completions.