XboxEra’s 2023 Backlog Challenge |OT| Third Time's the Charm... Right?

Glad you managed to work around the bug.

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Finally Finished Trails in the Sky SC. + 1

Really enjoyed the story and combat in this one. Since the game is “old” there are a few quality of life issues (no fast travel…), but overall this was a great experience.

I’d like to get through the third Sky game then move on to the Crossbell games sometime soon, but with the flood of games this year I’m not sure what my timetable is.


You completed it!

If it helps, Sky 3rd is the shortest Trails game. It is mostly about dungeon crawling. There is almost no towns to visit or side quest content. It does also have fast travel.

Despite that, it’s actually one of the most important games in the series story wise!

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That’s great news about the 3rd. I love these games, but all the running around with no fast travel really does wear me out.

This is the current leaderboard:

  1. @MasterLeePhD +12
  2. @profjjj +10.5
  3. @Mort +5
  4. @Jorge_Alexander_Acos +2.5
  5. @PhantomFox -1
  6. @Searsy82 -18.5

Been a while since my last post, so got quite a few more games done (both new and old).

So far my favorites of this year are probably: Persona 4 Golden The Last of Us, Part I Coffee Talk Episode 2 Planet of Lana Diablo IV

So currently sitting at 38 completed games/sizable DLC for this year, but still gotta catch up with the 90 of last year. We’ll see if that happens. haha



That’s very nice progress. I’m only at 17 so far… Very slow pace this year. I’m a filthy casual now :cry:


Just rolled credits on Yakuza Like a Dragon. +1

I put about 40 hours into this game shortly after launch, but got distracted and never finished it. The sequel showing up at the Xbox Showcase prompted me to get back to it.

I’m very glad I did. Had a ton of fun the last week finishing off the last five chapters. I wasn’t thrilled with the semi-forced grinding towards the end, but I used the opportunity to level up some other jobs for my characters so it wasn’t too bad.

Overall tons of fun. Can’t wait for the next one.


I’ve had some time off work the last few weeks, so I have some more activity to report - though no net change in points.

Here’s a summary:

  • Bought Diablo IV. -1
  • Finished Diablo IV campaign. +1
  • Completed DisHonored 2. +1
  • Bought Final Fantasy XVI. -1

Not much to say about Diablo. It’s great, but endgame grinding is not really my thing, so I won’t be putting much time into it post-campaign. I played the whole thing start to finish in couch coop with my son. That alone made it worth the purchase price.

DisHonored 2 is fantastic. I played it on Steam, where I have owned it for six or seven years, so very happy to knock it off the list. I went the low chaos route with Emily, but I would love to do a high chaos run at some point down the line.

Very much looking forward to FF XVI. I will be playing it over the next couple of weeks, so it won’t linger on the backlog for long.


I’m not sure if I’m the only one still here - based on updates over the last month, but here’s my recent activity:

  • Finished Final Fantasy 16. +1
  • Finished Trails from Zero. +1
  • Bought Trails to Azure. -1

So, a net change of +1.

I liked Final Fantasy 16 quite a bit, but I thought the story went off the rails a bit in the third act. Overall a very good game though.

I absolutely loved Trails from Zero. I’m not sure exactly where to rank it among the Trails games I’ve played so far, but definitely in the top three - along with Trails in the Sky SC and Trails of Cold Steel I. I bought Trails to Azure immediately upon finishing it. Very much looking forward to diving into it soon, though I will probably play one or two games before that just to cleanse my palate.

I really want to finish up Cold Steel (I have not played 3 or 4 yet) and play Reverie sometime in the next year. Obviously that is a ton of big rpgs, and I have work those around Starfield, Forza, and several other big games I know I want to play.


Been slow getting through games from the backlog for a while for me. Good to see some of you making progress though. We have a new leader as well!

This is the current leaderboard:

  1. @profjjj +12.5

  2. @MasterLeePhD +12

  3. @Mort +5

  4. @Jorge_Alexander_Acos +2.5

  5. @PhantomFox -1

  6. @Searsy82 -18.5

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Well, I finally finished Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. Very good game, better than the first one even though I liked that one a lot too.

Good story and cast, some pretty tough combat encounters at times even on normal difficulty. I really liked how you could tailor it to your preferences a lot with stances and skills, felt good to be pretty powerful from the start for once.

Exploration is great, and there’s a lot of it… I have much left to do still after beating the story. I think I’ll do the achievement clean up a little at a time though, allready put 40 hours into it.

+1 for me.


Glad you liked it. It’s next up for me after I finish Trails to Azure.

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It’s really good!

Next up for me is probably Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey which should take the rest of the summer to complete hehe. Might squeeze in some smaller games here and there.


It has been quite some time since the last time I posted here but I have to say taking those months off the internet has been really good for clearing my backlog. I’m dtermined to take the backlog crown!


Welcome back!

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Thanks man! Really missed talking to all of you! :innocent:


Medal of Honor Airborne +1

Man it is wild going back to an fps that uses X to crouch, B to switch weapons and A to reload. Simple things like basic modern controls shows how far we’ve come. Pretty good campaign with the unique concept of parachuting into the level when you die. It’s basically the building blocks for COD.

McPixel +1

After really enjoying playing Mc Pixel 3 on Game Pass, I scoured my Steam library and noticed I’ve got the original on steam. It’s basically a point & click Warioware with dumb humour. Steve!


Congrats on your time off, but glad to have you back. I’m looking forward to seeing you knocking games off your backlog. :smile: