XboxEra’s 2023 Backlog Challenge |OT| Third Time's the Charm... Right?

Wow. Nine days since the last post. We are collectively falling behind on our backlogs! I’ll try to get us going again.

I finished The Quarry a while back (on PS5) and forgot to report it here. + 1

I bought it at the end of last year during our “free” period and of course it was almost immediately announced to be coming to PS+. You’re welcome…

Anyway, I enjoyed it quite a bit. I didn’t like the characters as much as Until Dawn. Two in particular pretty much drove me crazy to the point I was hoping they would die. Unfortunately both survived. Ha. I managed to get through the playthrough only losing one of the counselors.

My one big gripe with the game (other than the terrible monster design and unbelievably bad water graphics) was with the “movie mode” dlc. I had assumed the movie mode would allow you to fast forward, look at the clips you want, etc. But instead it just shows the entire game - including abbreviated sections of exploration, opening loot boxes, etc. I watched for about 20 minutes then abandoned it after I couldn’t figure out how to speed it up or skip scenes. I really wanted a way to see how all the scenes that I missed played out, but apparently there is no way to do that without watching the entire game. I guess YouTube is always an option.

Despite my minor gripes I had a lot of fun with this. If you enjoy this type of game it’s definitely worth a look.

I’m currently deep into my backlog - about halfway through a playthrough of Trails in the Sky SC. Really enjoying it so far. Planning to jump straight into the third one when I finish this.


Enjoy and savor that playthrough. I don’t think I can ever put into words how much that game means to me lol.

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I keep getting distracted by Game Pass and stuff… But I’m getting back on track here soon™.

Might try The Quarry some day, looks kinda fun.


My reign of terror continues:

Since my last list of shame I have bought…

  • Final Fantasy 16 (PS5)
  • Street Fighter 6 Ultimate Edition (Xbox)
  • Diablo IV Ultimate Edition (Xbox)
  • Warhammer Bolt Gun (Xbox)
  • Jedi Survivor (Xbox)
  • Mortal Kombat 1 Premium Edition (Xbox)

I think I finished one or two things, but honestly, Im not sure it matters at this point, lol.

I am almost done with Tears of the Kingdom, so there is that.

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Haha, well it’s all fun though. Some pretty nice games there my friend, that’s something at least. :wink:

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Going to update the score even though there hasn’t been much movement.

This is the current leaderboard:

  1. @MasterLeePhD +11
  2. @profjjj +9.5
  3. @Mort +4
  4. @Jorge_Alexander_Acos +2.5
  5. @PhantomFox -1
  6. @Searsy82 -18.5

Lol, and this train isnt gonna slow down either just with what is left coming in 2023 Im going to end up with at least, MINIMUM, the following:

  • Spiderman 2
  • Alan Wake 2
  • Armored Core VI

And possibly more depending on reviews

  • Alone in the Dark
  • Layers of Fear
  • Silent Hill 2 Remake (assuming it makes this year)
  • Aliens Dark Descent

and probably more I am forgetting. On top of everything that will come to Game Pass. Its part of the reasons I don’t worry about what is or isnt shown in the showcase. There is more than enough to play as is.

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Quite a good year for games indeed!

I’ve been too busy playing Game Pass and GWG games which don’t count. Think I might pick a game from my backlog today and focus on that.


I’ve been working my way through Red Faction Armagedon and actually having a good time just mindlessly blasting stuff to bits… Until I hit a progress blocking bug in the Cultis Grenoside chapter with the minecart. You have to blow up a generator to kill a boss, the cart starts moving again and I ragdoll across the map every time. I think it seems to be a problem with it being backwards compatible game. Anyone experienced this? I may have to boot it up on my 360 just to pass this one section.

Obviously the Xbox BC team didn’t play much of the game because it’s a pretty big bug to miss.

Wish I could help. The only Red Faction game I’ve ever played was the original (I think?) on PS2 back in 2001 or so. My son and I had a blast with that one. Good mindless fun.


Aye, they are pretty mindless but still fun.

Seems to be a problem on PC too - I keep falling out of the cart in cultist genocide :: Red Faction: Armageddon General Discussions

Maybe I should try turning off V-Sync :thinking:

If you were playing on PC I would say it’s completely fair in a situation like this to look for a downloadable save from someone who made it past the bug somehow, but I’m not sure if that is an option on Xbox. I would assume not.

I’ll probably just try it on the 360 and see what happens. not sure it’s worth all the hassle though.


Finished Halo Wars!

I had a good time with it, even though it was a bit basic. The campaign was fun, very Halo. I didn’t do much outside of the campaign though, but I can see how it could be pretty fun to play with/against a friend or two.

I’ll save the sequel for later, but looking forward to playing it.



Make sure to play the Awakening the Nightmare DLC campaign for HW2. It is excellent as it allows you to play as the Banished against the Flood. There is also a PvE firefight mode in that DLC.

But yeah, glad you enjoyed Halo Wars. It’s one of my favorite games. Played so many private matches with 4-6 friends back on the 360 (I mained the Covenant Prophet faction). I still need to play the remaster.

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Will do! I have it in the backlog.

I was surprised at how fun it was, and well made. I didn’t know anything about it really before I played it, so it was a pleasant surprise for sure.

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I imagine that you probably want to move on with your backlog, but it may be worthwhile spinning up a quick match playing as the Covenant against the AI (if you haven’t already). Unlike HW2, the story doesn’t give you a chance to play that faction, but the various mechanical differences between the UNSC and Covenant are pretty neat.


Hm yeah, I have a lot of games to go through hehe. But I’ll return some day to check it out for sure, there’s quite a bit of achievements too to motivate that for me.

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Red Faction Armagedon +1

Generic third person shooter with some destructable environments. Pretty sure they were even more inspired by gears in some parts. Predictable but it plays pretty well and had fun with it.

I ended up having to boot up the old 360 and play one little section for 2 minutes as the BC version on Xbox Sieres is broken in the Cultis Grenoside chapter.