XboxEra Community Hangout |OT9| Waiting for Developer_E3

Holy fucking shijjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjit!!!

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Xbox is about to become the Monster Hunter Box.

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That’s a great get for GP

Japanese GP releases looking strong next year with Persona 3/4, MH:Rise, Wo:Long and I’m assuming Strive is first half 2023 also


Nintendo is like “We did our part. Strong sale and such. It’s all yours now.” PS on the other hand acts like the world would implode if it goes to Xbox, let alone Game Pass.


That’s probably the only Capcom game they could get without a PlayStation deal that blocks Game Pass lol


I would also suggest anyone who couldn’t get into World to try again with Rise.

I loved World but there was some issues I had with it. Mainly it felt like there was some unnecessary clunk and the maps were confusing for the sake of being confusing (Ancient Forest being one of my most hated MH maps). Unskippable cutscenes was a problem for many too.

Rise eliminated all of that. I ended up liking it more than World.

MH4 is still my favorite MH though. Damn shame it’s stuck unported on 3DS.


Amazing news. I don’t think many saw this coming. Sure I had been wondering after it came out for Switch if it would ever come to Xbox and PS too, but I had given up on that.

I hear the PC version is great, hope they port that. Surely they don’t port the Switch version? Although SE did do that for Dragon Quest but yeah…SE.

It’s a small change, but the match XP system has somehow made me enjoy Halo MP more. That incentive to tailor your playstyle towards challenges is largely gone (at least for me) and as a result, it feels more natural and rewarding to just play the game.


But Monster Hunter Rise was released 1.5 years ago?

Yeah, I would not be surprised that after REV, Sony locked the whole RE IP from coming to Game Pass. Even if they could not do the full IP lock like with Final Fantasy. Unlike Microsoft, Sony is very protective of IPs associated with Playstation.

I agree, the match XP is much much better than what was before. I would still like to have a progression system, that is one thing that is good with Battlefield. There is personal level, badges, weapons, mods, vehicles and more to work towards outside of the battle pass. The performance based XP is also much better in BF.

Only on Nintendo Switch and PC.

Oh, so it is not on consoles even?

Not yet. It will be with Game Pass included.

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Not yet.

Yes so true. Also intergrating with Microsoft/Xbox getting more funding and growing the studios size . Compulsion, Inxile, The Initiative, Ninja Theory, and Playground all moved into new offices after they were purchased. Most of the studios are using Unreal Engine 5 which just was released for the public recently and Epic and the Xbox studios are still working with it lead by the Coalition. Most of the studios they purchased never made a AAA games before like Complusion, Undead Labs, Inxile, Double Fine, Ninja Theory. Also new Xbox consoles and a Global Pandemic. I’m confident Xbox will give us bangers and game of the year award contenders going forward. 2023 will be a special year for Xbox! Xbox is back!!


" At Starfield, each planet will have unique biomes. The flora and fauna that you find will be a reflection of its characteristics."


A career progression system is in the works currently and it is also pretty likely the match XP system will be refined/expanded more.

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Yeah, I would hope so. It’s incredibly barebones atm, it was very eye opening jumpin in to BF after finishing the Winter Update battle pass.

What a twist. It’s not Xbox Game Pass. I love these guys. Now I’m curious.