XboxEra Community Hangout |OT9| Waiting for Developer_E3

Yeah and with Ubisoft+ to finally be coming to Xbox, it can be played day one!!! Woohoo!!!

Well itā€™s clear that I wonā€™t be finishing Danganronpa TH but Iā€™m really enjoying it. I think it leaves Game Pass tomorrow, looks like Iā€™m gonna buy this.

Definitely didnā€™t expect Ace Attorney-esque elements here, nice surprise.

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Iā€™m fast forwarding through it to vacuum up as much achievements as I can before it leaves lol. Already played it twice before it came to Xbox and also watched my brother play through many of the good parts as well so, motivation was low to play it properly again on Xbox.

Even just fast forwarding through it though, Iā€™m reminded of just how special a game the first DR was. Really hope that new Raincode game can live up to it.

Raincode is that timed exclusive for Switch?

Yeah, and nothingā€™s been stated about how long the exclusivity period will be. There was a little spin off Danganronpa game, Danganronpa Summer Camp that was timed exclusive to Switch for only 6 months I think (also, it skipped Xbox after leaving Switch and only came to PS4/PC lol, DR1 and 2 were on Xbox by this point). This game is much more major though so maybe Nintendo will have it for longer, but then again, Triangle Strategy came to PC within 6 or 7 months, so maybe thatā€™s all itā€™ll be.

Regardless, itā€™s most likely Switch day 1 for me.

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It did seem that the game was graphically way more complex and advanced than Danganronpa. Iirc it was even 3D? But if itā€™s fine on Switch I might buy it too, depending on what Iā€™m playing at that time too.

Watched the trailer of that again, good god the voices are so jarring in English.

Not sure if heā€™s right about it being a Sony thing butā€¦

I do wonder why.


Doubt it. Probably just doesnā€™t exist lol


Or maybe it was just a mistake because heaven forbid that cannot ever happen.


Sony suck for a lot of things but fanboy accounts need to stop boogeymanning them about everything


i donā€™t remember EA saying Dead Space will support 120fps, that thing is mistake like capcom survey forgetting Microsoft Store exists

Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s just a simple error or place holder. Unless it was announced and then not anymore, itā€™s exaggerated to think otherwise.

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It would be a really good idea to stop believing every single thing that is posted online


I saw 120fps was listed, but I donĀ“t see it will make sense for this game in particular so I am going to go with they updated the features to adjust them to reality.


what do you mean

For the record, they actually highlighted achievement percentage under your installed games. I guess achievement isnā€™t forgotten at the very least.


Any opinions on whether or not the DBZ: Kakarot Season Pass is worth it (currently on sale)? I still havenā€™t played the main game yet, but I do own it.

Footage from MS basement where Achievements is rediscovered.


Danganronpa is amazing. Iā€™m legit pissed off my friend accidentally spoiled the end for me. Go into this game blind and youā€™ll have an unforgettable experience.


that game looks too ridiculously good to support 120hz on console :doge:

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