XboxEra Community Hangout |OT9| Waiting for Developer_E3

They can do both :man_shrugging: No need to give Sony any breathing room :joy:

I do like how Satya said that Microsoft will be in gaming for years to come. It is just like a threat and a jab at Sony who openly tried to kill Xbox.

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Well it might look “bad” if they do that. If they do aggressive deals like Sony (and like how they did with the 360) on top of publisher acquisitions, it will look bad on them. MS whenever they do get big games marketing it doesn’t have exclusive content or exclusive marketing and PlayStation can still show the games simultaneously on their channels, Xbox just put their logo before the trailer starts in the publisher trailer at best.

Would it look bad though? I am not so sure about that. Marketing deals do not mean exclusivity and thus I am not sure if anybody would complain about that.

Publisher acquisitions is not the big deal - which is funny because Xbox time exclusivity causes a backlash, while Xbox acquisitions don’t :rofl: Though I think this gen I don’t think time exclusive games would have caused a backlash as Xbox is in much better position and media coverage.

The aggressive ones have exclusive content and minimize or not publicly acknowledge its existence on the competitor platform, which seems to what some want Xbox to do.

I think Xbox doesn’t do timed exclusives anymore, other than the backlash, because it’s not good business to them. IP ownership and Game Pass is their priority.

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Interesting. Black Friday early access began for me and Persona 5 for Xbox is sold out. Only that version. I guess you can say advertising success.


Yeah that’s a point I was going to bring up. It definitely does not cost much for Sony to pay for Korean outlets to pretend an Xbox version doesn’t exist.

Apparently MS is doing this too, with Persona 5 of all games. They say on twitter that Atlus is marketing the game as only for Xbox, even when it’s not during a Xbox show or anything like that. No idea if true, haven’t really been looking for it.

MS did the same with Scarlet Nexus. Even in Japan the billboards and commercials and stuff only mentioned Xbox. The Persona 5 ads in Japan are not platform specific though, they just mention all of them. I guess getting marketing rights for an established IP like Persona in Japan for Microsoft would be absurdly expensive.

Persona 5 Royal has been available on PS5 since the very beginnning due to PS4 BC. Sony cultists are literally complaining (all the time BTW, same with Psychonauts 2) about next-gen upgrade. Whereas Xbox did not get modes and content thanks to Sony. So they can cry a river, nobody should listen to them.

I have been saying for ages - nobody should take a pity or listen to PS fanboys. They have been enjoying the privileges for years. Not a single time, any of them said that “everybody should enjoy games” when it was not affecting Playstation so they can hit a road.


The 2023 title everyone has been waiting for:


If it has skippable dialog it will be a GOTY contender for sure

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I am ready for this!


I hope Microsoft delays Redfall and Starfield because of this


The svae system makes xcloud version a bit risky too though thankfully xcloud has only crashed on me a few times but i did lose a decent chunk of progress. Luckily you can skip and fast forward cutscenes quickly.

P5 makes sense. Its to get new or people who ignored/forget about the game.

I think thats why sega pushed this game so hard.

We know its on ps and has been for years. People who wanted to play it probably already did. No need to market that version again. Let people know its on xbox pc and switch. Make persona more popular

But p5 sold arpund 4m copies when gsmes like witcher and skyrim have sold 30m plus.

More room for growth.

The world doesnt revovle around Sony.


That’s a bannable statement elsewhere.


When we are talking about protecting the consumers, we are talking about Playstation consumers (regulator X)


I’m not expecting Microsoft to get any major third party AAA marketing deals unless the game is day one on Game Pass.

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It seems that’s the way they are going but I don’t think it’s a good idea, they are limiting themselves that way. It’s impressive enough that we’re getting Atomic Heart, Dark Tide, Wo Long day one on Game Pass, but many other big games just won’t be happening. If MS skips deals because they will get the game anyway and Sony maybe only has marketing rights,…no biggie, but skipping big games and having Sony walk away with them? Not good.