XboxEra Community Hangout |OT8| Waiting for E3 2023

Yeah perhaps but if it was a different studio doing the remakes, that would still be a good collection since it would be completely modernized using the current generation tech.

Depends on if an external studio is doing the remake. It doesn’t seem likely that Bethesda Game Studios is doing anything with Fallout until after The Elder Scrolls VI outside of continuing support for Fallout 76.

Could be day one on PC. Depends on if Sony wants to stagger the release between PS5 and PC. Could be releasing next year. I am expecting it at some point along with an expansion ala Tsushima DC with Iki Island.

Damn RIP to my dreams of another Fallout releasing before 2030 than

Y’all weren’t wrong about House Flipper, shit is addictive



Also Why is Lost Odyssey and Blue Dragon not on gamepss BTW


I feel like there’s plenty of OG/360 Xbox published games that aren’t on GP for some reason, I hate that Jade Empire isn’t there for one

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I dont think this will sell well at all at full price. People rather save their money for god of war.

Nah it’ll get bundled and sell fine :laughing:

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Most likely licensing issues, MS owns the IP but there could still be some legal issues in the way.

Jade Empire, Rise of Tomb Raider, Dead Rising 3 & 4

Just to name a few of the top of my head there are a lot more that Xbox published that is not on Gamepass

I don’t really know how these licensing really work but it weird that Sunset Overdrive is Published by MS but the IP is not own by MS but it on Gamepass wile Lost Odyssey is published by MS and also the IP is owned by MS yet it not on gamepass there is no consistency with these stuff it so weird

RotTR used to be on there, it’s not really published by Xbox.

Another acquisition, wonder who’s next.

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Microsoft Studios was the game’s publisher for Xbox 360 and Xbox One Why you say it not really when it is

I legitimately forgot about that. Yeah, I don’t know what the situation is there, like a licencing thing with Square or something.

No MS literally paid Square for a year Exclusive of Rise of Tomb Raider and MS published the game on xbox so they have publishing rights on xbox

Yeah and all that happened because Square allowed it and gave them a licence for it, which I assume is partial and limited, not full publishing control like they have with Ryse or Sunset Overdrive

You right and i hope MS learned from that so to never Published a 3rd party game again unless you have full published rights over it

I think they already have full publishing rights for any game they publish for independent studios, but not necessarily IP ownership. They should prioritize owning the IP this time around.

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This makes absolutely no sense. So waiting for the big hitters is very bad but you want to wait even longer +x years for them? What?!

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Not what meant at all lol

They don’t have to own it just get the full publishing rights so they they can have it on gamepass like Sunset Overdrive