XboxEra Community Hangout |OT8| Waiting for E3 2023

They’re only able to have this type of interview because they are nearly content complete and in the polishing phase. He wouldn’t have been as forthcoming if this interview had happened last year because a lot of the details in this interview would have still been in flux.

it’s tied to what storage you have something installed and if you’ve run it recently/before

As someone who lives in the U.S., I personally don’t care about the $70 price tag. First, I was expecting $80 coming into the generation and second, I spent $80 on games like Chrono Trigger over 25 years ago so for games to only be $70 after all this time, yeah, no issues with the price whatsoever. Third, when I was a collector, I would spend hundreds on certain individual games. So from my point of view, considering how much money I spent on games back in the day that were no where near the budgets and visuals of today, there’s no way I would ever bitch about $70 games. Nah.

As for Microsoft, I highly doubt that they would increase their games to $70 even though it would definitely make Game Pass more appealing.

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Hi all. PS4 Exclusives first 2 years :

Bloodborne (2015) Tearaway Unfolded (2015) Until Dawn (2015) DriveClub (2014) inFamous: Second Son (2014) Dissidia: Final Fantasy NT (2015) Killzone: Shadow Fall (2013) The Order: 1886 (2015) Spelunker World (2015) LittleBigPlanet 3 (2014) CounterSpy (2014) The Last of Us Remastered (2014) The Last of Us: Left Behind (2014) MLB 14/15 (2014) (2015) Resogun (2013) Yakuza Ryu Ga Gotoku Ishin! (2014)

Did you really make an account just to reply to a post from 3 days ago that has nothing to do with what the hangout forum is currently talking about? Cool





I see someone is trying to bring back list wars…

:see_no_evil: :hear_no_evil: :speak_no_evil:


Hi, there must be a reason to join, I watch the Xboxera podcast from time to time, and my intervention is neither a troll, nor a wish to cause any war whatsoever, just a correction.


Sunds like someone is here to bring balance to the force :slight_smile:

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and welcome


Bloodborne, Infamous second son, tearaway unfolded, until dawn, killzone shadowfall, the order, little big planet 3 and resogun…dont know why but remembering those times made feel nostalgic, specially Infamous SS and Killzone SF.

Hope SONY port some of those to PC!! Please gods! (Who am I kidding, it is obiously they are not going to even mention them in the future :frowning: )

Oh! And welcome to xbox era! Hope you enjoy your time here! :smiley:

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Hey a new The Division game!

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I expect a gameplay reveal for Ara: History Untold. That’s the kind of game you want to show at Gamescom.


Yeah, that and maybe a Minecraft Legends demo :thinking: .

yeah hopefully an RTS for console this year. empires management of all ages sounds fun.


July 26. Pirate themed location and new gameplay features.


unless it was cut, at least there was files way back then, I think it was implemented.

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Pretty cool for the indie company to get this amount of recognition.


It’s a mobile game. I’m waiting for them to reveal Heartland which is supposed to be the free to play console spin off game. Really wish Red Storm would take the lead and develop a third Division game for the current generation. As much as I love the second game, it’s time for them to move on in my opinion.

Yeah, true. And they did show an in depth look at Age of Empires IV a year ago so I can definitely see this happening.