XboxEra Community Hangout |OT8| Waiting for E3 2023

Interesting view but I really believe it mostly just comes down to releasing games on a consistent cadence, that’s the only thing really missing for Xbox. Plus, Xbox will have some of that you speak of with RPGs and shooters, while overall having a pretty diverse lineup as well.

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I do wonder if they view big IP or diversity as more important at this point. The answer to that question will likely influence who they try to acquire next.

My 1st thought was YES! Did not want that rightwing, egomaniac anywhere near that shit

My 2nd thought was Man, that’s gotta suck for the guy who currently owns Twitter

My 3rd thought was Nah, fuck that guy. He almost sold that thing to Musk


Acquisitions in the billion range I think absolutely IP is priority

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They are getting IPs and preferable big IPs with high engagement values.

It definitely will. Especially when they can show stuff further out at The Video Game Awards show and XO type events.

Well, this is just great. Fallout in real life?

Read the upper comment, sheesh

Bloodbugs are real. It’s over.


What if Grounded is set in Alaska?

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I barely played it. But it has giant mosquitos too? :slight_smile:

Not sure if anyone saw this. It’s a good read


I read it. A good read and reassuring overall but not much new I feel. They seem hesitant to say whether it will be a live service game, they said to expect similar treatment to previous games with DLC support post-launch.

I just love that they’re prioritizing making it a great Arkane game first and then making it a great co-op game as well. They’re implying playing solo or co-op will make the game feel very different in gameplay pacing and atmosphere. That’s about all what I got out of this.


I agree. They should of done this interview when the game was announced to put people at ease

They did a ton of interviews around launch and around the latest trailer stating a lot of this. Pete talked about it often how it’s an Arkane game that has co-op and not a L4D clone.


People will continue to buy the blockbuster games even at $70. From what I’ve seen with sports games they’ll still get their usual sales because sports games will buy no matter the price, but I’ve noticed price drop happens quicker imo. I think game like Battlefield got affected by it because some were hesitant with it due to beta and MP only. Anyways the price increase mainly affect the earl adopters who are going to buy anyways and games drop in price quicker imo

I had no internet for 2 days due to ISP outage and it’s crazy I couldn’t play blurays on my xbox since i didn’t have app installed. It’s weird though I could’ve sworn I had app installed, but luckily my PS5 didn’t require app. Pains of gamesharing was real because I couldn’t play games i bought, but gamepass games somehow worked but none of the EA play games though

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Even if you had a dedicated BluRay hardware player, if the player doesn’t have the latest DRM VM Update required by the BluRay media it could refuse to play the title. It’s one of the dumbest things to do with DRM aspects implemented in the BluRay technology stack.

BTW: Sorry for you being a victim of Rogers, or at least I’m assuming that’s what you got hit with.


Xbox offline DRM is horribly inconsistent

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What? Blu Rays have DRM too?

Yes. BluRays run a VM to run the Menu system of BluRays and one huge aspect of that is the DRM aspects. It has ability to force certain minimum level of the VM, which means Firmware Update on your BluRay player. Not every BluRay player has firmware update capabilities, especially during the first couple years of BluRay.

It’s also why software like RedFox AnyDVD/HD exists for PC.

lmao yeah a Rogers customer it was crazy out here. We had people filling up fastfood joints to use wifi. That bluray thing is dumb haha but happy was able to catch up on films on my watchlist

Yeah, it was weird, but it was cool to play some gamepass games. I played some ocotopath which is an underrated JRPG game imo.