XboxEra Community Hangout |OT8| Waiting for E3 2023

Haha. Before Bethesda needed to prove they weren’t going to turn everything into an MMO. It’s pretty crazy they announced Elder Scrolls 6 in 2018, lol.

Yeah, I’m only pointing out that it is a very mixed bag from everyone.

I just don’t think they will be able to keep games secret until 1-12 months before release, so they will leak and people will want to see them and there will be more of this insider-speculation shit etc.

Yeah, I am sure. Part of me thinks that if there is a steady lineup of releases, people won’t even be clamoring as much for leaks.

I don’t think the Sony/Nintendo fans are out there chasing leaks as much as Xbox fans are, but I could be wrong.

I think I have a lot of hope that everything will be fine among folks once we’re getting games regularly but that’s probably wrong lol.

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I think because there are not many leakers there as Playstation podcast community is not that big as Xbox one. We have a lot of podcasts dedicated to Xbox.

That’s because they just make shit up, like PS5 being 13TF, Abandoned being Silent Hills, or Sony acquiring Bethesda or Capcom. Why chase leaks when BS generates more hype?



The Cult is different. You can just make shit up, and no one will question it or the ones spreading it even after it turned out to be bs. I’m generalizing a bit here but they are pretty dumb in general.


I think media being pro-Sony contributes to that.


Man, around the time this badboy drops a lot of us will be old as hell. Old dogs really, lol. Sigh. :pensive:

I truly hope Shirley Curry gets to play it.

Lol, imagine the next Fallout

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That’s why a spin off by someone at XGS would be so good. We know internally they have been discussing it. Just have to wait and see if that will be before Fallout 5.

It’s a race to see what happens first: Fallout 5 releases or global warming making a real life post-apoc wasteland.


There is no point to chase games like this. We just have to accept that we won’t be able to play all the games we want.

Never say never though. Maybe we won’t see a spin off before 5, but who knows, maybe sometime after that. We’ve speculated about Obsidian or inXile but they got their hands full. Guess it could always be after Avowed and it would still be before Fallout 5 then I guess, but yeah. Don’t worry, I’m not expecting a thing. But at least they are or have been talking about the possibilities. I think if 76 had not been a thing it would have increased the chances. But here we are.

I still think that FO76 migrating to Creation Engine would make people feel better regarding the absence of Fallout.

The thing is that within the next 5-10-15 a lot of folks that we know might just retire and won’t be involved in the game anymore. Imagine not having “Fallout game by XXX” etc.

But Fallout 76 uses the Creation Engine ?

Sorry, meant Creation Engine 2


This ecosystem has always proven itself at fabricating lies.

This is very well said.

Xbox is very diverse and is trying to have something for everyone which can lead to dissapointment if you only want specific things.

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