XboxEra Community Hangout |OT8| Waiting for E3 2023

Does anybody care about S&B?

Itā€™s Ubisoft game, so I assume people do.

Those who wants SoT dead or who refused to play one to support the evil corporation.

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Looks like it could be fun for people into that. Basically AC Odyssey naval mechanics but expanded into an open-sea multiplayer similar to SoT

The Messenger came late to Xbox as well, didnā€™t it? It might just be a matter of resources and it may come later to Xbox.

Itā€™s really a comfort game

You cannot swim though. Will there be fights with swords or guns, or is it just limited to ship battles ?

Itā€™s just ship battles from what I saw

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Skull and Bones looks damn good!

Was not expecting this at all, but yeah this is going to be awesome.

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Iā€™m sure some people are like that, but I also think thereā€™s a segment of the gaming population that simply prefers a more realistic art style and/or a more serious tone to their games. SoTā€™s art direction is probably an immediate turn off for them.

I just hope the game is fun for those that want to play it.


I knew VR is a controversial topic, but maybe Microsoft could allow quest to work on it


S&B is DOA due to being too close to GoWR

Nah, Facebook just went after Meta accounts due to people being angry at using Facebook accounts for Quest. I donā€™t see Facebook allowing any third party login. It is all about ecosystem after all.


That Skull and Bones overview trailer is exactly what leaked about a month ago, lol. Damn.

Until the next time they change their mind and force it as being required. At the time of the initial acquisition they said they would not make Facebook/Meta sign-in a requirement. Fast forward somewhat and they forced Facedbook/Meta sign-in as requirement. Donā€™t believe a word that Facebook/Meta says.

Donā€™t believe their lies.


No direct competition really, S&B is on PC/Xbox and is a live service game.

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Also cheaper. I remember Valhalla launching against Miles Morales, Demon Souls and Sackboy and having a real hard time justifying buying those at Ā£70 when another game I wanted was launching at Ā£50. I ended up buying Valhalla and enjoying it.

Theyā€™re not doing PS4 free upgrade huh

Yeahā€¦dunno about this.