XboxEra Community Hangout |OT8| Waiting for E3 2023

Kingdom Battle was an 85 and Sparks of Hope should surpass it as it seems to keep the core intact but expanded and made better in other aspects. With BOTW 2 being 2023, Switch has a great exclusive lineup for 2022 but no clear cut standout in my opinion.

GK will shift the dates of the TGA and call it a day

Anything for his sugar Mama :joy:

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It’s ok mate… Even Pete can have worst takes sometimes :rofl:

Breaking news, Gamepass doesn’t matter because it doesn’t matter to Peter :rofl:

Gamepass is what a company with $2T only could do

Your second half of 2022 is all set both on Xbox and PlayStation with atleast 5 games. What more you want as Gamer?

Enjoy games mate like most Gamepass subscribers do and not worry about what big corpo do with their money


For Xbox and PS this game is only available on XSeries/PS5. But for whatever reason, except money, it also comes natively to the Switch.

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I played the campaign start to finish last month. It’s similar to Diablo but is very repetitive. No variety in levels or enemies and just becomes a mindless slog.

Also requires a neocore account to play.

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Deleting it from my whislist right now.

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Does that mean that when Sony will start doing the same - with Day 1 first party releases, day 1 indies and old backlog, market cap won’t matter?

Because Day 1 big third party games Microsoft cannot get either.

I do wonder, though, why we still(was it more than a year?) did not get CP2077 in GP despite MS having marketing rights on it

Some publishers might not want the risk of the expectation that their games will come to GP and possibly marginalizing sales potential

And its not like MS can force CD project to agree to that :person_shrugging:

By the time Sony would start doing it day and date it would be a proven strategy

I see no issue why other companies won’t try to invest in a proven market

Doing it in risky market is what I meant a 2t company could do

And what CP has to do with it?

They probably can with enough money lol but it will probably be in the bad investment business

Oh for sure but throwing tens and tens of millions (more if you want new AAA games) of dollars to add a couple of games doesnt sound like a good idea…but what do I know. Im just a nobody :stuck_out_tongue:

To be fair I understand where @peter420 is coming from, ultimately the exclusives are what is important in defining which platform will give you most value/enjoyment and it’s just unfortunate that Xbox is lacking this year, unless of course you have a subscription like GamePass. This is even more prominent in specific genres where Xbox seems to be lacking first party content whereas the other platform is offering the same third party content and exclusive first party content.

The one thing people often forget when making these comparison is that PlayStation have been buying up studios for 30 years, Xbox on the other hand have done most of theirs in the last 5 years, which is the typical time it takes to create a AAA game. The only studio I think PlayStation ‘created’ was Sony Santa Monica (please correct me if I’m wrong). I don’t know if 2023 will be the start but it’s inevitable that the quantity of first party content will likely surpass other platforms soon.

In many respects GamePass is the exclusive that keeps on giving, plus if your savvy you can get it much much cheaper than subscribing directly to MS (not sure we can discuss it here).

Sometimes I also wish Xbox would be more cutthroat in making its deals but GamePass almost restricts that opportunity.


This seems pretty big.


Key. I don’t know why many don’t understand this. Money can buy so many things but it can’t buy time.

Also, of the current PlayStation Studios, SSM and Polyphony Digital are the only ones that were created within Sony, Sony Japan was shut down. Another thing I find hilarious when people say MS buys studios not create them like Sony, when in fact it turns out MS has more studios that they created than Sony.


I think you just summed up 85% of the gaming community, unfortunately.


In a way, what Xbox did last year was basically “Start releasing first party titles, became first in publisher of the year in metacritic, leave.”


this “12 months” thing is pretty boring.


People will never be happy.