XboxEra Community Hangout |OT8| Waiting for E3 2023

In some ways, HFW is better but the climbing is worse due to it being inconsistent and while I enjoyed the combat/gameplay, the six skill trees was just so completely unnecessary. In this regard, less is more.

However, when you look at Uncharted to U2, the leap is apparent but because HZD was already top tier, how are you really going to surpass that? Game and tech wise, HZD was at a far advanced level compared to Uncharted which makes the leap to the sequel far easier for Uncharted 2 to pull off than HFW.

The main reason I buy and own any console is for the exclusives because thatā€™s what separates it from the others. PS4 didnā€™t kick in until 2016 for me which would be 2023 for Xbox Series but the difference is that going from 360 to PS4, my expectations were lower where as theyā€™re higher for PS5 now because of the second half of PS4.

For Xbox, itā€™s because they acquire all these studios and publishers yet their own fan base havenā€™t gotten anything out of it but yet, the competition received two timed exclusive games from Bethesda. Microsoft definitely should stop playing nice and buyout rip up contracts. They can easily afford it.

I agree that Microsoft should pay for AAA timed exclusive games and for at least a year because 3-6 month Indies and a few AA titles isnā€™t going to do much. But I realized after the showcase a few weeks ago that unless Microsoft is able to get the game on Game Pass day one, they will stay away and until proven otherwise, I donā€™t see this changing.

2023 and beyond is extremely bright and should be amazing. Itā€™s just that whenever I believe that Microsoft is turning the corner, boom, some bullshit happens and well, wait a little longer. After a while, itā€™s like, when is their bad luck/issues/problems going to end? You would think that percentage wise, at some point, it simply has to.


Its got to be way higher tha. 92 to have a shot at overall goty. ER will win overall easily and at TGA. Gow might suffer from sequel fatigue. Amazing game but not quite enough to propel it to goty in a ywar when ER comes out.

The only chance it has is if its revolutionary. Without cory barlogā€¦i have doubts. This dude is responsible for my fav ps2 game and fav ps4 game. Ragnarok will be a great sequel to 2018 but you need to be something extradinary to beat ER. Its like HZD and odyssey in 2017ā€¦they got destroyed by BOTW.

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Weā€™ll see. We all should have some kind of Avatar bet or something come November. lol

I read it as an obnoxious and immature gamer TM, arm chair expert on all matters with game dev, with a dash of console war fanboy BS with the whole X company has Y amount of games why canā€™t Xbox do that. Iā€™m honestly starting to get a bit over those sort of comments to the point coming to places like here, Reddit and twitter feel like a waste of time. The most annoying thing is when you say something along these lines people jump at corporate shill or complain they canā€™t complain and must be positive all the time.


Absolutely. Because Im confident ER will sweep GOTY. Rsgnarok just looks too familiar. No matter how good it is.

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Awesome. Iā€™m extremely confident it goes the other way.

I watched the first 30 minutes or so and for $14, I will buy this tomorrow. You can play it as a twin stick shooter or a melee combat focused game. Story and world seems interesting so will buy this when I get home from work tomorrow.

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You were also confident HFW would score higher thaN eR.

Do you think if gow doesnt come out HFW would win more goty awards?


I know I said 90+ for HFW but I donā€™t remember saying that it would score higher than Elden Ring.

No, Elden Ring would probably win.

Some Bright Memory Infinite info -


Guys guys thereā€™s 5 months until GOWR releases and 6 for the game awards. If GOW R wins then good, if ER wins then good! Nothing wrong with any outcome both will end up being fantastic gamesā€¦what Iā€™m icurious about is to see what Nintendo game will be nominated since they always have one in there.

Maybe Kirby or Bayonetta?

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 or Mario & Rabbids Sparks of Hope would be my guess.

I though of Xenoblades too but since it seems it has this ā€œnicheā€ status I have some doubts it will get enough votes from the judges to get the nomination. Rabbids looks fantastic but also have my doubts. I think it will just release and then forgottenā€¦but maybe it end surprising us.

All true. Does Nintendo have a Pokemon game at the end of the year? If so, maybe that game if itā€™s really good.

I think were living in delusional land if you think rabbids has a shot at goty nom. It hasnt been that bad of a year has it. Surely. Next thing youll be telling me pokemon has a shot.

Just saw it releases on the 18ā€¦dont think it will make it into the cut.

What about your GOTY so far peter? Dying Light 2. Do you think had any shots to be, at least, nomimated? In my opiniom the first one was an easily GOTY contenderā€¦but the press didnt though the same :c

DL 2 may have done things not to the liking of some people compared to the first one though.

Uh? Last year It tooks two won against the likes of Ratchet, metroid dread and RE8.

In 2016 overwatch won against Doom and Uncharted.

In 2012 when TGA where called Spike videogame awards, The walking dead won over Assassins creed 3, Dishinored and Mass effect 3.

I just asked what nintendo game would get the nomination and said that Rabbids could be the nintendo game if it ends up being a really good gane.

No reason to be rude.

Yeah, my goty thus far is Dying Light 2. It may get a few awards overall but thatā€™s it. Majority of critics didnā€™t like it. Thankfully, some of the YouTubers I follow did like it and their preferences usually line up with mine more times than not.

I liked the first game but DL 2 is in my opinion superior in nearly every way. The main difference is that night time wasnā€™t as intense as in the first game but majority of those who played the first game didnā€™t play during the night time which is why Techland adjusted it for the sequel. There have been a few patches so this may have changed. Iā€™m waiting for their first expansion before jumping back in.

But DL 2 has better visuals, animations, character models, environments, etc. Parkour is excellent. Melee combat is the best that I have ever played in a first person game. Story and characters were good and I enjoyed it. Only negative is that I wish the story was longer. Iā€™m not a fan of short main story campaigns. I prefer them to be at least 30+ story missions. The missions themselves though were great except for one or two that I didnā€™t like.

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100% agree.

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