XboxEra Community Hangout |OT8| Waiting for E3 2023

I wonder why no PC…

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Xbox winning without doing anything showing today.

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Persona on Xbox :white_check_mark:

Goldeneye 007 on Xbox :white_check_mark:

What’s next?


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Most of the reason I wanted Sega was so Atlus would stop skipping the platform. But yeah I’ll take day 1 Yakuza and Atlus games :wink:


As usual, SE just haven’t got a clue. Plenty of people played Octopath because it was on Game Pass - that’s how you grow a fanbase - but no, let the Xbox serfs beg for the leftovers again on yet another “Everthing but Xbox” release. This company does not deserve our support.

Thankfully we’ve got SEGA instead.


I said it after the FF7R nonsense but MS needs to stop giving Square GP money

Put that money elsewhere, Square is a lost cause

As for Goldeneye, is the OG coming to 64 and the remaster to Xbox? Imkinda confused whats happening

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wow this is insane why have first one on xbox but not the 2nd? Hopefully this is an error

Is it a Modern Consoles only release?

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They’re gonna release the sequel on Playstation but not the first one?

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There is a Sony show later today…

I don’t care for the game but that’s new levels of silly.

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Yeah, hilarious.

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It’s even more funny when the first one is still on Game Pass. I believe Square is really pushing the heel run for the core fans.

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Super odd lol. Guess they just value Gamepass more than the actual xbox consumers.

Literally saved Avengers and Guardians. But nah, no more of Xbox. Lucky for them, it’s on Switch, practically make up for losing a platform.

It’s pretty obvious they are trying to hold games to ransom for Game Pass money, which is pretty scummy but also extremely dismissive of the Xbox playerbase as a whole.

As I said, the company doesn’t deserve our money. I have all the platforms Octopath 2 will be releasing on, but I’ll not touch it until they respect my platform of choice - just like I haven’t touched FF7R. My loss? Maybe, but there’s better games out there anyway, including a big one straight into GP next month.


Square Enix probably wanted some money like Microsoft did with Octopath Traveler. Or maybe Sony saw what happened with the first game an went to Square Enix and asked for the port of the second one but without release on Xbox.