XboxEra Community Hangout |OT8| Waiting for E3 2023

Hmm I had noticed that Ghost Recon: Wildlands was showing as “coming soon” in the ubisoft app on pc that I had tied to my game pass account a few days ago and now it’s part of game pass PC in Europe. Decent tell for the future for things coming to the service


I just realized that I own pretty much all Ubisoft games I have an interest in… Many unplayed in the backlog as well. They always offer them at a very good discount in sales after a while. I think the only Ubi-service I’d be interested in is one with new games and DLC tbh.


:eyes: tomorrow it should be announce the next games coming to ganepass right?

Lets freaking gooooo phenix rising!!!

I just finished PowerWash Simulator… Very sad that everything is clean now.

So strange that I, a first and foremost story driven gamer who looks for good stories, characters, worlds and that sort of thing got completely smitten by such a simple gameplay mechanic.

What a great game, my GOTY for sure.


Same my friend… same.

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What??? Is The Outer Worlds finally getting an Xbox Series X/S upgrade or is this something else?

Still hoping for Ubisoft+ on Xbox as a separate subscription. So happy that Avatar was delayed because Ubisoft has nothing for me until next year which allows more time for Ubisoft+ to go on Xbox before a new game releases that I want to play.

He meant the Outer Wilds

It’s these sorts of games that really seal the deal for me with Game Pass, no way in hell would I buy as dusk falls or power wash sim, yet they’re my favourite games played this year lol


I see no reason why Ubisoft+ doesn’t come eventually. Maybe they want to time it with new releases or something, or it could be technical stuff. But they announced it for both Xbox and PS so it has to come sooner or later.^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1554362379814805504|twgr^|twcon^s1_&ref_url=


What I’m reading is there’s no actual Tencent cloud gaming service, they’re building the software/OS and it would host other cloud services? Wow.

I wonder if they will use their own OS. I guess something Linux based.

Probably, but whatever it is, they’re probably gonna be leveraging it to host apps, run ads, promotions, cuts from the service providers, etc.

:thinking: Who did it first?

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time for a sue


It looks like Xbox won’t need to make a cloud gaming handheld after all…


They probably will

I would love, love, love for all this to be real. Probably isn’t, but stuff from 4chan has been right before.

I just completed the Lost City Palace. I absolutely agree with you, the game hits a perfect note of simplicity, satisfaction and fun. I loved it.

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Anyone else not able to see “Games under $20” and “Action RPG sale” in the Xbox store? I keep receiving errors.