Yeah, it’s kinda off a bit but they got a couple of months to polish it up a bit.
Damn, that sounds horrible. Once it starts raining it only gets worse too. AC in those cases is a must. Do you have a mobile airco or more like a split unit like stores have? I have a mobile one but the hose goes through the wall, so I can leave all windows closed, ideal.
I just hope to god those horrible, horrible mosquitos won’t come visiting, those creatures truly are hell.
Mate that is cold
Quite surprised with that actually. As the post said, during development they must have been encountering issues with performance on last gen consoles and did not want a Cyberpunk situation.
I think it’s better they do that honestly instead of charging people for a poor experience
that flip-flopping across the entire roof is very goofy, especially cause the enemies just wait there to get hit
Agreed. If that is the case, then the right call is made.
WB have history with that themselves. Middle Earth Shadow of Mordor on PS3/360 was a broken embarrassment that they sold for $60
In this region anyone sensible has a main heatpump/ac integrated unit for the house. That wasnt the situation 30 years ago, but most have migrated over. The annoying aspect of it is the thermostat systems are all primative. You have to select the mode, Heating or Cooling. Then if you have a humidifier system Integrated you have to flip that on with heating or off with cooling. You can set different temp thresholds throughout the day, but its 1 temperature figure that starts or stops the singular mode you have selected. There’s no system I have seen where you can simply set a range where it keeps it above 69 F and below 73 F and it figures out if it needs to heat or cool.
In the past, typically in the months of May and June I’d have the system mostly off with windows open and the breeze would be enough to make it feel comfortable. Now its too hot during the day with no breeze and too cold at night even with windows closed.
The weather patterns have certainly changed, even just in the past 10 years its been noticeable.
The smart options like Nest or Ecobee don’t work where you are?
Last I looked at them, they still have a primary mode set where its either in Heating or Cooling. Their smart detection is merely figuring out what the threshold temperature is or should be. I already know what thresholds to use on the 4 different time ranges I can setup.
None of them seem to even take into account outside temperature as a guide either. Like if its really cold and wet outside then a slightly warmer temp inside is needed to remove the chill, but if its hotter outside then the slightly higher indoor temp isnt needed.
Yeah, the combat in GK doesn’t look too hot, agreed. It’s odd because I could swear it looked better in the gameplay where they had Batgirl fighting in that reveal gameplay from at least a year ago. It’s no Rocksteady, that’s for sure.
Also the framerate seems spotty, but I’m sure they’ll fix that.
The gameplay looks great
Only the Nightwings movements are a little floaty as if he is sliding all the time
Multiplatform developers especially must be really tired of developing for PS4 & XB1 by now lol
Oh for sure.
I bet BGS is very happy that they only have to focus on Xbox Series and PC.
Bethesda generally have almost always skipped the cross-gen period. The only cross-gen game of theirs I remember was Wolfenstein The New Order.
combat looks weird . Last year’s gameplay looked much higher quality .
Those animations and VFX need some serious polishing.