XboxEra Community Hangout |OT6| New Year, Same Three Topics

I do believe Bethesda are moving on from 76, albeit slowly. There will be a few years left yet.

They did well to save the project and to turn it into a success, however I think they have hit the ceiling in terms of new users coming in.

Thanks this worked for me even though I was a previous subscriber with a lapsed subscription. Halo and March Madness Basketball covered for only $6.

Do we know if the Halo show will be weekly (idk how many episodes) or drop all at once?

I’m sorry about this, take care of yourself and don’t let any dog bite you :pensive: people can be a pain in the ass sometimes

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Great find. Already bookmarked the Paramount site and will sign up this weekend.

Watched The Batman again today . Yup , this is going into my all time favs list .

According to, it appears that it will be weekly.


I’m scared, I think this is worse thand cardboard cutout people honestly WTF is that straight out of a horror movie lmao.


I’d say considering the gap between the Xbox and PS units in the UK the Xbox sales are actually very good. And it will only get better from here which is apparently a problem for some people. :philwins:

@Butters Thanks for clarifying!


I find the difference in many regards shocking, this here too

And take into account one is open world!!!


The harder these moneyhats flop, the better is for Xbox. If Forspoken too is a flop, SE will be much warier in the future with its moneyhats.

And I remember folks saying “GT focuses on simulator unlike FH5” when i pointed out the environment of GT6 being so crappy and very last-gen. Even the cars now looks better on FH5. And it is an open world racing game that’s ‘supposedly’ looks ‘worse’ than a closed-circuit racing game.


Honestly, I think at this point Square Enix does not care about anything aside FF (mainline and FF14). It is now literally FF14 company.

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Guys please listen to Phil

Yes, GT isn’t the technical marvel it used to be, but who cares honestly, the game is getting awesome impressions, these little details comparisons, especially from Twitter guys, are just useless.


I’m allowed to comment on a funny looking person that looks spooky, I’m not doing console wars stuff. You can’t tell me with a straight face that the person in that picture doesn’t look scary and funny. The cardboard cutouts in Forza were spooky too how they moved and followed the camera. Not everything is console wars, I never said X was better than Y.

If the new Forza Motorsport has something like that or any game in fact I would laugh and be scared of something like that, again not everything is console wars.


Fair. We just have bad experience of similar posts especially those from Twitter leading to console wars and especially the type that dismisses developer ability or integrity.


That person generally scared me :joy: make that scene dark as shit and put a tree in front of her peaking and that’s a horror game for me. People are never the main focus on racing sim games it’s why they look like this or cardboard cutouts like in Forza, so anyone doing console war crap over that is dumb and the next Forza is most likely going to be the same.

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We are doing it with no intention of console warring, compare our comments to those on Twitter, world of difference. After all the hype and what not I expected a whole lot more.


Hey i finished Yakuza 7🙂


Yeah, GT used to be THE PlayStation showcase. Seriously, GT4 on PS2 looked ridiculous. However, the game still looks really good where it counts imo and what’s more important it’s getting good impressions and does what it tires to do so well. You may not have console warring intentions, Staffy, and I understand that but those posts on Twitter are and are just not helpful in any way to share. That’s just my view, as I’ve always seen these kinds of posts derail to console wars and worse; weaponizing games and pitting devs against each other and that sort of thing.