XboxEra Community Hangout |OT5| Season of the Infinite.. Arguments

If Microsoft wants to play hardball they would tie these skins to a Live or Game Pass subscription.

Sony does a great job of offering free Fortnite skins for any PSN subscription. And I think they do one every year or so?

But they’re generic guys wearing blue.

Microsoft should tie their IP to these bonuses.


I believe they have with the Master Chief skin. You get all black version if you had a Gamepass subscription. Or maybe it was the next gen consoles.

That’s not true, they can sort out their games having frame time issues for once lol.

The MC skin was available to anybody on the store. If you have a Series console, you unlock the black version.

Yeah, but Xbox doesn’t need another Crackdown story, I think they should cut the losses at a certain point.

Crackdown was most likely a budget problem more than anything else though, we are talking about a completely different MS now in terms of support and management.

Also as BRiT said it’s not easy to come up with a fresh concept/design, copying and pasting other successful games is easy…I am sure if the project continues to not go anywhere the folks at Rare will do what is right for them and the game.

Crackdown 3 WAS good though…

Like if people actually played Crackdown 3 as it is today, it’s a solid B level game that sets out what it aims to do: Be Crackdown.

Apparently that wasn’t enough for some people.


Still hoping for the Xbox Pokémon.

Also didn’t Crackdown 3 lose its original dev team because Amazon bought them? or was that just the cloud tech?

i don’t think it was budget problem the game shifted many times from original idea and was in dev hell for 7-9 years straight. probably at that time Scalebound would give them better result than CD 3 if they give the game same dev time as CD 3.

also i don’t think copying games would be easy. you can copy part of concept but you have to make it good and shine.

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Do you really think so? I thought Scalebound was missing every milestone because Platinum was taking on a lot of projects at once so where too spread out to make the game.

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yeah it’s open world jrpg game by PG there Hype for it imo in world where they could delay it to 2019 or 2020 XSX/XSS launch window then yeah i think the game would give them better result.

But I suppose at the time Xbox needed to choose on what to keep and Crackdown while not the best IP is one with history with Xbox. So they chose the safer bet.

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yeah i know why they decided to go with CD 3, it’s known IP vs New risky IP I guess. they also doesn’t have many games in the work at that time so they kept it. but probably that decision to release CD 3 was the death sentence to IP. CD is never coming back

Just because Crackdown didnt deliver and reviewed badly doesnt mean Scalebound didnt deserve to be cancelled or was likely to be better

None of us know what shape it was in other than the first few trailers but games dont get cancelled if they are in good shape, the fact that Crackdown didnt while SB did would suggest it wasn’t good, not good at all

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Game of the Year Tracker (

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i didn’t say SB would be good but i said the game would give them better result, better sales and More GP Players over CD 3, you have JRPG Genre haven’t Touched in years by xbox and xbox lack this genre.

also Phil Would cancel both of these games if xbox had more projects in the work at that time.

The fact that it was cancelled suggests otherwise though

To them giving it more time and money would have been a waste, some people are looking through the logic of, “well Crackdown released and was crap, so why couldnt they let Scalebound have a chance too” instead of the more logical, “Crackdown was bad, so just how bad was Scalebound in order to be cancelled”


I think it’s a lot easier to throw money at an internal project than it is an XGSP one.

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We’ll be hosting our annual ‘‘XboxEra Community Game of the Year’’ vote again starting this Saturday. We’ll have members enter their lists for their top 10 games of 2021. Besides that we are changing one aspect this year. Last year members had the option to name their favourite Ongoing Game of the Year. This year we’ll give people the option to enter a Top 3 ongoing games, as the industry is heading towards GaaS titles more and more. So, good news for all you Destiny 2, Warzone, Fortnite, Sea of Thieves, FFXIV, TES:O, Minecraft, etc. fans.

So; you can already prepare your top 10 games of 2021 (or less if you haven’t played as many), and top 3 ongoing games (excluding 2021 games)

Just waiting for the artwork and finishing up our ‘‘GOTY 2021: Editors’ Picks’’ feature. Besides this we’re also working on our ‘‘Most Anticipated Games of 2022’’ list. What Are Your Most Anticipated Games of 2022?

So don’t forget to vote on that one!


This too, not to mention not having to deal with people in other countries and language issues which afaik, was a major problem at the time