XboxEra Community Hangout |OT3| Setting Low Expectations


Congratulations, man :+1:.



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I was the opposite. I enjoyed the gameplay loop of TLOU 2 ( story was meh, but l didn’t hold the original in any high regard either tbh) but I dropped GOT about 10 hrs in, which is weird because I usually enjoy just anything with Samurai. That game just didn’t click with me at all. Maybe I’ll give it another go at some point.

A bit of a dumb question:

I am bit confused about the amd fidelityfx super resolution. How is it different to the the image up-scaling that Xbox already does?

Does that mean having this new tech on an Xbox Series S would lead to better base resolution to upscale from or will it stay similar? For example if Xbox Series S normally upscales from say 1080P will this AMD tech enable it to render at 1200P or will it allow Series S port to have more graphical details?

Enjoying Psychonauts but jeez the camera is rough and some of the hit detection seems kinda weird (Fish fight).

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I cant take it anymore with the sharing system man. I know Ive repeated it 600 times but man its so frustrating.

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Hot Wheels Unleashed Previews are UP

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Do you think you have to factory reset?

I did a hard reset and it started to work again but these are issues going back to the xbox one.

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That took a while but video on inside infinite finally up that was a doozy learned to use a scene transition as well in OBS

Wonder if its something with yoir account. I only use share accidentally but it has never failed.

I also have a ton of issues with capturing and sharing. :man_shrugging:

I was over on another thread and was starting to get sidetracked off topic but maybe it’s cool to discuss here.

So it’s a really common opinion in the gaming media and among gamers that the PS5 is outselling Xbox Series consoles by the millions. I just don’t see how this could possibly be true. Both consoles are sold out and logically it should be closer to a tie. Sure there are older reports about PS5 having an early lead due to beginning the manufacturing process sooner but that’s hardly anything more than a 10% advantage in sales for the PS5. The one caveat could be is that Xbox is using some of their chips for Xcloud.

Anyway I just wanted to put this odd sounding narrative that Sony is selling millions more consoles than Xbox to bed. They are both sold out. What would prevent Microsoft from making just as many Xbox’s as Sony makes PlayStations? If the only answer is Xcloud, the why not change the narrative to PlayStation outsells Xbox* …. * but because Microsoft uses some chips for Xcloud both companies are tied.

Anyway needed to rant because I find the current narrative confusing and maybe even a little bit deceitful. Both consoles are sold out and will continue to be sold out until 2022. There is no way Xbox will intentionally make fewer Xbox’s, it just doesn’t make logical sense.


its def selling millions more because Sony has produced more PS5s than Microsoft produced Series X/S. Sony will most likely lead this gen again, but Microsoft aim will be to hit a certain number of gamepass subcribers maybe something like 65million subscribers by end of gen

A few things here. First, it doesn’t matter since Xbox is console+PC+cloud and not comparable to the one trick Sony. Second, they sell out as fast as they can produce (at least the Series X) and kinda hard to sell more than you have.

I still think PS5 will sell more consoles, but it would be a huge fail for Sony if they didn’t since that’s their conservative old-school thing. They have to.

If Sony ordered 10 million PS5s but only 50% were delivered due to a chip shortage, they would have 5 million PS5s. If MS ordered 8 million Xbox but only 50% were delivered, they would have 4 million Xbox.

MS forecasted and ordered more consoles than Xbox One, they got fewer due to the manufacturing issues. Sony forecasted and ordered many more, still impacted by manufacturing but has more consoles to sell.

Nope that explanation doesn’t work. Xbox knew they’d need extra chips for Xcloud. If anything they forecasted a higher more aggressive number than Sony.

I’m saying Xbox console sales are tied with PS5 and will remain tied until this console shortage ends. I think at this point if Microsoft chooses to forgo a guaranteed Series console sale to instead use that chip for Xcloud then they also view each Xcloud blade manufactured as equal to a console sale. The two companies are tied literally.

Yeah but millions more?! I’d say 10% more at best.

They’re not tied. Sony was at 7.8m as of March 31st and are reportedly up to 9m as of May 31st. Microsoft doesn’t disclose console sales numbers even though they should but last reported number was approximately around 6m but im not sure of the cutoff date.

If Microsoft was somehow tied with Sony, then im pretty sure that they would publicly release a statement saying so because that would be extremely impressive and would be bragged about regardless of who likes it or not.