XboxEra Community Hangout |OT2| Cracking down on shitposting

But it’s not a thing. It’s like saying if given the choice I’d rather eat ice cream than poop when this is not a choice you’ll ever actually face in real life.


Okay, fair enough.

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MS, how bout we bring some more of these back. Specifically Banjo and Viva Pinata. I feel like those types of games have a good market today and give some more family friendly games to the platform.


Anyone else having connection problems?

Not my tweet but I’m getting this

I’m in the UK

Same here. I have just turned on my Xbox and it keeps giving me the same error. Clearly the servers are acting up.

UK here as well.

Edit: I am back up now.

Tom Warren said its an xbox issue right now in Europe.

OMG! All the amazing news today!

Go Insiders!

/s :wink:


Peaky Blinders is one of the two free play days games and I gotta say this is surprisingly good. It’s a little like Commandos, Desperados, etc but you have to play with the time. So you fast forward and reverse to get beyond obstacles. It really is worth a try for sure!

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Do not want multi-player in Metro. Do not need multi-player in Metro.

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We didn’t get as much news as I was hoping for today, but hey, we’ve got the Judgment sequel reveal tomorrow. Anyone else hyped?

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Slow news day when we are making a mountain out of an ant hill on twitter due to the latest WC article about fifa and lootboxes for the 600th time.

I’m asking this seriously: Did Elden Ring ever get a release date, month, quarter? Year? I don’t recall, which is why the statements of “it was delayed!” seem odd to me.

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Really? I didn’t know that. This is the one said to be more gritty than before right?

Please let the dev go ahead and confirm it for Xbox right away. I mean we got almost all of Yakuza now, Judgment, can we just get them day and date now please. :slight_smile:

Oh and we actually had LAD exclusive for a few months even.

Yes, the initial leak said that it would be darker. And I don’t see why it wouldn’t be day and date on Xbox, unless Sony went in with a timed exclusivity deal. We got Like a Dragon (Xbox marketing) and the Judgment remaster day and date, so this should follow.

Judgement sequel leaked officials


PSN leaking something instead of the Microsoft Store for a change. Surprising.


Hopefully the sequel comes to xbox day and date with the PS5 version. I’m enjoying the first Judgement.


so i imagine returnal did okay because if they did good Sony would have been shouting how much was sold.

A YouTuber managed to connect a Series X to a DS using some obscure Japanese tv tuner for the DS.


Found the major news everyone was hinting at that would come out today…

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