XboxEra Community Hangout |OT2| Cracking down on shitposting

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Why should we care about how Sony makes their money? Epic agreed to the terms, right? They must have felt it was worth it.

Haven’t we been hearing a lot about how we shouldn’t all concern ourselves with how these companies make their money?

I don’t care that much, but it’s obvious Sony is holding back gaming with their views on crossplay. I feel every multiplatform multiplayer game should have crossplay, and I feel Sony would be the major console manufacturer to block that vision.


I’m going to be that guy.

I don’t blame Sony at all for charging Epic because if people are playing on other platforms and in turn, spending money on micro-transactions and whatnot to where im not getting any of that money, yeah, screw that, im charging you and I don’t care what Microsoft/Nintendo are doing. And Fortnite is free to play correct? If so, im definitely charging you because at the end of the day, I want everyone on my platform, not anyone else’s.

So while a lot may see this as bad, I personally don’t give two shits either way as it has nothing to do with me but if I was Sony, I would be doing the exact same thing because I would only care about my platform period.

But whatever, at least this is entertaining to read.

I guess you could use this as the excuse every time a game doesn’t have cross play if you want to, but you could also just look at the evidence that exists, which is that lots of games in different budget categories have implemented cross play, so whatever Sony is charging it must not be too much.



Ah shit, it’s back.

I assume they’ll scale the fee due to developer, so it’s case by case. I am just saying out of all the parties for crossplay and based on evidence it seems like Sony is providing the most roadblocks. Again, I understand the business of it since they’re market leaders and can dictate market like Microsoft or Nintendo wouldn’t be able to do that for multiplayer games.

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Yup, that guy who asks the obvious questions. :wink:

If these Sony fees were outlandish you wouldn’t see small indie projects supporting cross play, and yet we do. So then it becomes a question of who are you concerned about here? Poor Epic having to pay out something to Sony? If this was some sort of prohibitive problem for small developers surely it would have been leaked by now. There would be a whole lot of complaining on Twitter, you can be sure of that.

I’m not concerned, I find it hilarious that “think of the children!” indeed was bs as was the muppets defending it at the time. Way back then it was an issue, since Sony was the roadblock however. Though like with all thugs, they could be bought.


Thanks a lot, Bruno! I’ll keep checking. It works for accounts that already have GPU?

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As I said on Era:

I don’t believe we’re getting more Xbox news this week. I do believe, though, we’re getting more Sony news

Wow. “Fuck Sony”, “Abuse of position”, and “thugs” all in the span of an hour to describe Sony. You’re really upset out of concern for………someone?

Hey, I like crossplay.


Sure, so let’s see you tie this to some game not implementing it? Money? Can’t be that because we see lots of small developers doing it.

The far more likely explanation for the lack of cross play is devs just not wanting to devote the development resources towards doing it.

I’m not sure why you are so confused on the timeline? At the time, Sony was a roadblock for crossplay.

Now that they have found a way to extort devs, all is well. (There, a fourth word for your collection!)


It’s a gaming forum, why shouldn’t people discuss this? It’s like have a sports forum and not discussing the salary of the player. It’s all tied together. Why are you so concern?


Would be interesting for Klobrille to tease that, lol.


I used it myself and extended my subscription by 20 days.