XboxEra Community Hangout |OT2| Cracking down on shitposting

Probably not Gamepass announcements. I’m thinking it is related to this current post.

Don’t forget, these people haven’t even played the game yet, so they have no idea if his points are valid or not (even in their subjective eyes). It truly is sad, pathetic behavior.



I meant for the main show in Summer. All the rest happening now before are just fun info drops anyway.


Oh yeah, of course.

I said it before : PS fans loved Jeff Grubb until he began to talk about Xbox a lot and said that he loves the Series X. That was the moment they turned on him. Since then, he got harassed a lot online…

Edited : I misinterpreted the tweet about the blocking.

All good my man, was just messin! Always appreciate and thankful the nuggets you provide. :ok_hand:t5::v:t5:

So wait, Jeff praised Returnal and mofos still bitch?

He is just blocking the cyberia guy. When you reply to that tweet Jeff gets tagged too.

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He gave it a 3/5 which is unthinkable to the other side.



Dem be some silly, silly ass people in this world.

I didn’t play the game myself, did see enough gameplay to know that for myself it’s not really all that. It just isn’t doing much for me. 99% of the time this is correct for me. If a gameplay demo doesn’t really move me…it’s not for me.

Oh, ok. My bad.

I mean there are plenty of voices shouting “inherent bias” and an almost conspiracy of media to give Sony a free pass for those journalists who dare to give this a high score as well so they can’t escape fanboy attacks whatever they say :slight_smile:

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off subject I just noticed hollow knight has different achievments for both ps and xbox versions. weird. I wonder why some games do that

YEAH!!! You tell 'em

(…now remember, Pod, don’t freak out when Gamespot gives Halo Infinite a 7.0)

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No one is neutral, so biases are everywhere. That’s how it is. But maybe fans can endure one review that is quite fair overall ?

Reviews are opinions pieces (that doesn’t seem obvious for some people). But when you attach a score to it, OMG, it has to be the universal representation of the game quality ! (/s)

I think I understand now why Sony is so obsessed with MC scores. It’s because its fans are like that.


86 yeah good result hope the sales good for them

I won’t care one bit about Halo Infinite reviews. I will just play the game and see for myself, that’s the beauty of it


I would actually prefer to read reviews that are lower. The problem I have with most review scores is that everything gets rated so high. Games that are good often end up getting 8’s and 9’s when they should probably be getting 6’s and 7’s. I think this trend started specifically because of Fanboy backlash (which has been happening for 20+ years) and the trend just became normal.

I will never understand why people need validation for something they’re determined to buy anyway. Reviews should be meant to help inform you on whether you want to drop $60-70 on a new game. People are ridiculous.


It really does put a lot of pressure on those Sony first party devs. Especially going forward with how they seem to be so focused on making only big cinematic single player AAA titles. If they get anything less than an above 8.5 Metacritic average it’s practically a failure

I know, I know, that seems so ridiculous to say, but they put so much emphasis on great first party exclusives being the reason their system is place to be. God forbid if say Horizon Forbiden West, or God of War Ragnarock get a lot of 8.0’s to 8.5’s scores from reviewers. Not that I expect that they would, deserved or otherwise, but imagine being those devs. Don’t you dare slip up

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Frankly the same could be levied at us after whats been discussed in the Discord today. Not for the same reason, but still pure obsession about MC scores :slight_smile:

I don’t think any fans are ever happy with any score tbh, a slight can be found, a hypocrisy can be assumed. Its so tiring. I don’t know why its so hard for people to take them as the opinion pieces, (as you say) they are.

Ho hum, never mind :green_heart:

so nothing really big from win 10 store news welp now we wait for actual news when they implement these new win 10 store improvements