XboxEra Community Hangout |OT12| The Dirty Dozen

Actually going to buy it, it is just too good to disappear.


So if we have an active sub and receive token we get to keep FH4 forever?

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If you ever bought any DLC and have game pass they said you’ll get a digital token for it


I hopped on to Game Pass at Forza Horizon 5, so I sadly haven’t done that.

Good policy mind.

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Wait, you mean if we bought a DLC like storm island I think it was called we get a code for the game? I’m probably misunderstanding now.

end of an era



Glad I own it physically.


Here, here.

Oh that’s rather generous of them because we only bought the expansion. Since FH4 was a day one GP addition.

So between now and December the primary GPU user receives a code on Xbox?


Nothing is changing for digital owners


So did some fighting if other bosses, Messmer was doable if I really wanted to throw myself at him. But I decided I didn’t want to spend too much time trying and got my mimic in there to finish the fight faster.

So far it feels I have gone everywhere I can think of without so sort of guide. There is still land to the south east to explore and find the map, islands with structures on them that I don’t know how to reach. Locations for npc events that I have no clue where they’re suppose to happen, with using Messmers Kindle to burn the tree being the only I probably know how to do.

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Should be.

But there is this disclaimer “by having an active, full-paid (not discounted) Xbox Game Pass subscription on 6/25 you will be eligible to receive a game token”. I don’t know what they mean with “not discounted”. My Game Pass is mostly paid with (discounted) reward points.


Actually saw YouTuber Hollow fight Messmer in a video today. Holy shit that was one heck of a fight, so fast and relentless too, goddamn. He didn’t say how long it took him, but he said it was a lot and when he defeated him, he actually kinda got emotional. At some point this isn’t just a game anymore, so to speak. It can be very entertaining to watch others play FromSoft games, and seeing their reactions.

Hmm, I see.

Me and my brother we just did the merge trick a few years ago. And iirc we bought it from MS themselves too. Let’s wait and see when we get the code.

He’s not really that fast, at least when I’m playing he doesn’t feel too fast. The thing that was getting me when I was getting him to low health was his arena wide snake attack, once I survived it when running with my mimic the fight pretty much ended there.

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Hmm, maybe rushing is the better word for it yeah. Personally I can’t with those fights man, haha. Then again, I grinded like a mofo in DS1 so that I was OP as hell for the last fight, and miraculously in 2 I managed ok. Gave up on 3 when I got to fights where I really had to avoid attacks, the one thing I suck sooooooo bad at. Respect for ya’ll taking on these games and the DLC.

Perhaps a game line Flintlock can get me to try Elden Ring.


It will be changing for anyone who want to buy it digitally though.

Also just saw this today wtf?! lol exclusive animations, really?


It fits them as movies above all.