XboxEra Community Hangout |OT12| The Dirty Dozen

Also the fact is any fines and actions will be heavily outweighed by the huge gains they’ve made during the pandemic.

By bundling it with Office and getting all the corporates to use it (particularly after Zoom and some others had security scares), it’s pretty much the de-facto standard for almost every major corporation I’ve had meetings with - some smaller suppliers might use Zoom but it’s rare.

Unbundling it might cost them a few Teams installs for home users, but by now there’s little chance of corporations abandoning them - and that’s where all the money is as nearly all the ones I know of pay for the enterprise version so it’s got a lot of features they want…


Its already unbundled. Its been unbundled since October 2023.

From the AP Story: Microsoft breached antitrust rules by bundling Teams with office software, European Union says | AP News

Microsoft made some changes last year in an effort to head off an penalty, including offering the software packages without Teams for European customers. But the commission said Tuesday the changes are not enough to address its concerns and that it needs to do more to “restore competition.”

“Having unbundled Teams and taken initial interoperability steps, we appreciate the additional clarity provided today and will work to find solutions to address the Commission‘s remaining concerns.” Microsoft President Brad Smith said in a prepared statement.

As for this entire thing, in my opinion, the regulators are off their rocker. Office Communication is a natural extension of Office work. Carving out communications as a separate market than office productivity tools is wrong.


If it’s already unbundled what the hell are they complaining about


They are probably still trying to get a fine to stick from when it was bundled, these things seem to take a lot of time to move forward.


They’re saying they have to do something to restore competative market.

All the other companies who lost out is not because of the office teams bundle but because frankly those other products are inferior. No one would rightfully pick those products.



Wasn’t aware of that, cheers - think my last Office install on my work laptop pre-dates that, but to be honest I probably wouldn’t notice anyway as our main team pick the default setups and Microsoft’s stuff works so well together (for the most part) they generally seem to be one package anyway.

They’ve made major strides in that inter-compatibility in recent years, the ability to share files, collaborate on documents and integrate from DevOps right the way to infrastructure, services / pipelines to user front ends whether web apps, Office / Windows stuff (including online versions) or Azure VMs.

Xbox is probably one of the least integrated now which is why I suspect they’re doing the Xbox chatbot, looking at maybe a Windows / PC store option and why they pushed to unify the Xbox and PC development environments…

As for corporations, agreed they’ve little chance the regulators could force competition back into the market - our Infrastructure team really don’t like Zoom for security reasons and IT in general while we all moan about MS and the constant updates the alternative scenario with no default OS etc would be a nightmare so they’re pretty trusted.

Plus, all the higher ups in corporations know them, trust them and will sign the cheques to buy from them - for example in my firm if we tried to move to Open Office to save money the partners would riot even though it’s their money - as they don’t like change, and would rather spend the bit extra to get what they feel is worth it and to not look cheap to other companies lol


I always thought that title was so strange. It sounds like an internal project codename, then when it came time to release the game they just forgot to come up with an actual title.

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That’s actually harder than it looks, since we need to recognize every attack that can be jumped and those that can’t. Then dodge or strafe, with rolling though we only need the timing for attacks and we can dodge everything.

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Yeah, you got a point. He makes it look so easy though, haha.

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I guess a new leadership was the call that was really needed.


I beat Margit and Godrick for the first time these past few days with the help of guide and builds, but it is pointing out something that has been bothering me : hitboxes are so weird in these games. I feel like I’m guessing safe spaces around bosses but getting hit anyway most of the time, it’s just a matter of hitting harder and more often than you get hit.

This video is helping a lot. I will surely test jumping my way out of bosses’ reach.

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I think Hargeet’s idea makes sense.

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Going Live


Interesting. Thinking about it I can definitely say I never really enjoyed the combat in DA games. And the new one could be actually fun. Hopefully there is enough variety in the moves and skills, that goes a long way.

Ryse is not a RPG but it would have been so much better if there had been way more attack moves.

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DA is one series that keeps changing its gameplay style with every installment.


Gaius is down! The fight wasn’t too bad and I didn’t need my mimic. I think being a Scadulvl 12 is paying off, but I’ll have to test that out with other bosses eventually.

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