XboxEra's 2024 Backlog Challenge |OT| Surely this is the year?

+1 The Last Campfire

Nice little puzzle game, elevated by a lovely art style and narration.

  • +1 - Perfect Dark Zero - so… this is awkward. I’ve been in my annual Rare Replay kick, and with the PD unveil a couple weeks back, I’ve been putting in some hours in the original. Decided to toy around with PD0 and realized I never beat the last two levels; most of my hundreds of hours was spent playing multiplayer with my college buddies, as despite its archaic structure now, it was the king of shooters until 2007 on that gen of consoles. Obviously, the less said about the story of this one, the better, however the level design, art style, and overall technology still impresses imo.

Total = 12


I got frustrated with something in AC 3 Remastered so started this as well, completed the first area last night. It’s really good. Thanks Mort and SilentJay76 for talking it up.

Did have one bug so far in a cave where I tried walking somewhere I thought should have a path and my character got stuck and disappeared, but eventually got out of there. Very minor though and I was doing something it didn’t expect.


+1 Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door

Total = 17


+0 FIST: Forged in Shadow Torch

I agree with the critics that this is probably the best modern Metroidvania game available. I like the story, setting, character, combat, puzzles, exploration, and even finding the collectables. It’s leaving game pass in a few days, but if you have the spare time, I highly recommend playing it. I hope the inevitable sequel is also on game pass!


Shawn Layden’s idea of a one standard console seems to mirror Phil’s Spencer’s comments on open platforms. The idea definitely seems like it could be permeating more in the industry. Ex-PlayStation Boss Wants To End The Console War And Have “One Standard Console” (

+0 Open Roads

A short game about a mother and daughter on a road trip to discover their family’s history and uncover secrets after the passing of the grandmother. The game effectively has two parts, the first is like a walking sim while at one of the locations during the road trip and the second is like a visual novel while you are in the car traveling between locations. The story was interesting, though there was a lot of red herrings along the way that took away from the storytelling for me.


I liked that one a lot.

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Time just flies away and it’s time for another update. No placement changes this week but Apophis is no longer in the negatives, and Knottian forgot to count a .5 for his total. I double check everything :wink: The completions must flow!

Current leaderboard:

  1. @Zip 19.5

  2. @Searsy82 17

  3. @SilentJay76 17

  4. @Jorge_Alexander_Acos 14

  5. @Knottian 12.5

  6. @ACyberRazorCut 9.5

  7. @vrinn 9

  8. @profjjj 6.5

  9. . @ Mort 5

  10. @MasterLeePhD 3.5

  11. . @ Rodya 2

  12. @APOPHIS1989 0


It seems like yesterday that I was at - 9! For some reason, my list for this week and last only have game pass games to complete. Hopefully I will get back to the backlog next week. It still feels good to at least not be negative!


Was this meant for the community thread?

-1 Among the Sleep

I had this psychological horror game from limited run games on my radar, waiting for a sale… It went on sale last night. I was out of the negatives for a few days at least! Lol

With my limited income, I only buy one game at full price each year. In recent years, it’s been the new Resident Evil titles, but this year I chose Star Wars Outlaws as my one game to preorder. I wait until a sale of at least 50% for every other game I buy. It makes it hard to plan for, as the sales are unannounced and usually only last for about a week, but at least I am encouraged to get through my backlog or take advantage of Game Pass in the meantime.


Yes, it was my bad. Thanks.

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I’ve noticed that the major sales where they place hundreds of titles on sale normally run about every 2-3 months, I think we typically see one in January as a new year sale, a spring sale, some sort of summer sale, maybe a back to school sale, and then the holiday / black friday sale. But yeah in general it can be hard to plan for what to get when.

  • +1 - Metroid: Zero Mission (WiiU) - the inclusion of Zero Mission in NSO made me want to go through all the WiiU GBA/DS games I picked up from Nintendo before they shut down the eshop there last year. I never had the opportunity to play this on GBA (was relatively poor growing up) so I was stoked to pick this up for my collection when I did. Having played and loved the first (and the entire series), I legitimately think this was an improvement in all ways except one: the terrible stealth section in the Zero Suit before getting the Gravity Suit at the end. Everything else was perfection, the improved visuals and audio, lessened difficulty, inclusion of new cinematics and story beats. There was a time when Nintendo defined what a great remake was, and while they still have that magic occassionally, I think Xbox and Capcom have taken the crown for most consistent quality remakes. This remake however, was incredible and has me even more excited to play the Metroid 2 remake I’ve got on 3DS next :slight_smile:

Total = 13.5


I think I give up this year guys. I was able to get a good job (for a while :sob:) and I had these supressed desires of buying things and well, steam summer sales just started and I now have 100+ games in my library :c

Good luck to everyone!


+0 Botany Manor

A very enjoyable walking sim puzzler where you find seeds and clues around the titular manor, attempting to grow them, in the late 1800s. It also explores the hardships of being a woman in the sciences, especially during that time period. I highly recommend playing it while it’s on Game Pass!


A fallen champion.


Finished up The Last Campfire this morning, +1

Great game, and anyone who has it should definitely check it out. Simple puzzles with a great touching story.


I’ve had it in my backlog for a while, but now I may have to push this to the front. Two recs now from peeps with great taste :slight_smile: