XboxEra Community Hangout |OT12| The Dirty Dozen

Agreed, part of me would hope that if Sony happen to carry on down this road when clearly it’s not been working profit-wise for them, that Xbox counter by pulling further back on the exclusivity stuff and not even giving them ABK games beyond what there are agreements in place for, going early next gen and doing a decently-priced handheld in addition to a powerful console to really eat into PlayStation’s userbase and profits.

Sometimes the only things bullying twats understand is a punch in the face, and if it turns out these kinds of deals haven’t gone away with the new PS leadership then maybe Xbox needs to start reminding Sony who’s now got the games…

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and this is why they do it, they are getting you to buy their product


I get you man, but at the end of the day it’s business for them and it’s another console for me. If it’s just a couple of months, I can live with that. But if we get no answer at all after launch and I happen to have bought a Pro, I’ll get it for that. It’s still all a big if for me anyway, because like you said, Sony has fuck all. Now there are several PS4 games and a few PS5 games that have released that I haven’t played yet, but I’m not sure how much or a hurry I’m in for that.

All this being said, we have no idea if it truly is a deal with Sony. It could be double speak by MS too, implying there’s a deal when there isn’t. Only two reasons for delay I can think of is then that Xbox has two consoles the dev has to optimise for OR they have difficulties with S.

Normally Sony screams it off the rooftops if they have a timed exclusive, none of that during SoP. I’m not so sure yet.

I am super tired of this nonsense though. I had made “peace” with the studio saying they just have to optimise for the Xbox consoles some more, but now it gets muddied.


Outside of being annoyed at the perceived pettiness of it, I don’t think MS will change how they operate since they’re more interested in making money and looking good for regulators.


Because it’s already been announced for Xbox, a bad look for Sony if you basically come out and say you’ve moneyhatted something after it’s been announced

and between Sarah Bond mentioning it being “business” to King at the June show and now this MS PR, it seems pretty clear they are implying it’s a moneyhat


They will lose a lot of money if Xbox dies.

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Yeah, you have a point there.

Ffs man, assuming that’s the case, let’s hope it’s just a few months.

Yep I just have a pretty strong sense of fairness - and if Xbox players are getting screwed then out of principle I won’t buy a game or console, regardless of any feelings of missing out or pressure from others.

The only game I’ve ever buckled and ended up buying after swearing not to was Hogwarts Legacy, as literally everyone I knew was playing it and loving it so the feeling of missing out finally got me - but thankfully nothing about Wukong suggests it’ll be anything most of my friends play and not something I’ll mind missing too much given the stacked list we’ve got coming on Xbox already


It’s worth noting aswell Sony have been pushing marketing for this very heavily since SGF on X


MS are looking at the long term and realise these kinds of deals don’t mean much to them

PS are still playing by rules from a decade ago trying to keep the status quo, there’s only so long they can do so before more and more devs realise that it’s a bad move

They’ve completely lost their hold over Japanese devs and with Switch 2 on the way and PC getting more popular, their hold is only going to get less and less



Well, whatever it is that is the reason of all this I hope that “insider” that said between end of this year and February for Xbox release, is correct. Because that’s not exactly the end of the world, since there is so much else amazing stuff coming.

Are you undecided on buying a PS5 Pro still or something?

Oh, no. I absolutely plan on getting it, it will depend on price at launch. There’s also the matter of many games already coming for Xbox that I’ll be playing. So I’m not sure if I will be there day one.

Gah I made the mistake of going back to one of my old Xbox stomping grounds, PureXbox.

I’d forgotten just how many PushSquare users love to drive by in the comments and pretend they have an Xbox / regularly game on an Xbox and absolve Sony of everything by default, blame Phil and Xbox for everything (particularly the Series S) and wail about things like this despite clearly having a PS5 they could play it on anyway…

How boring must your life be, how few games must you have to play that you’d rather hang out on a rival console’s fan sites and try to goad people - particularly when you’re apparently “winning the console war” and so shouldn’t feel threatened?

My ignore button has been on overdrive whenever I’ve visited gaming media outside this site recently - the comments areas are mostly like a ghost town I’ve blocked so many!


I am almost 100% certain PS5 Pro releases before Wu Kong releases on Xbox.

Not surprised with the PS deal given a fact that Sony a few years ago announced a so-called “hero games” thingy deal with certain chinese devs. Too lazy to googling.

Atleast it was confirmed that the xbox ver is coming.


To me, there are enough games coming out from August to December that any one of them can be put on the back burner. IF you’re super excited for the game, I understand not waiting though.

I think Ubisoft alone has me covered with Outlaws and Assassins Creed lol


Ah but will it arrive before you’re actually able to buy one from anyone but scalpers on eBay?

Oh me too, although I don’t get the rush for Sony to do this at all. What games of their own are they doing it for? Lol.

But still, I think so too. But I’m not rushing to the store for a Pro just for Wukong, a game I’m not even 100% sure of if it truly is that amazing. I mean let’s see some console footage already! There are some older PS4 games and some PS5 I’d like to play, but my plan at first was to get it especially for GTA 6. Back when it still seemed possible it was a Q1 release.

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