XboxEra Community Hangout |OT12| The Dirty Dozen

The survival of brands depends on public perception of those brands. If you have industry stalwarts poisoning the well constantly that has an impact. I can play and enjoy my Xbox all I want, but a small group of people being content isn’t always going to be enough to keep it alive.

Go watch media outlets, real ones, not YouTubers, feedback on the Xbox show. They will give its flowers and then temper their excitement with qualifiers like “I dont know if I can enjoy this after Xbox closed tango”. Then they proceed to cum in their pants about Astrobot. Despite the fact that Sony also fired 1000 people. No qualifies, not mitigation of excitement, its acceptable.

That isnt a victime complex, that is objective reality.


Yep the future lineup definitely feels much more promising, perhaps even more so than the X360 era which is something!

Bethesda’s output has been the most impressive so far, however it will be interesting to see what happens when ABK kicks in.

I do wonder how they will structure their inevitable future acquisitions.

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My comment was more in the sense of how folks here with that attitude may feel. I don’t know but think I personally wouldn’t be happy or relaxed if I were saying how Xbox is underestimated and how Playstation and Nintendo are overestimated all the time or thinking about it, regardless of how objectively true it is.

I mean, I own all of them and play games on all of them, so I recognize that Im not precisely who you are referencing.

And I get where you are coming from. I just wanted to make the point that all if it has a base in reality to some degree.

There is also a component of this that perhaps some of those media outlets do this stuff in a performative manner to avoid backlash from the internet hive mind.

So who’s the “victim” in this scenario supposed to be? lol

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I said in my post I kinda dont like the expression but if I am allowed to use it I am referring to folks fixated on pointing how Xbox is not measured the same way as the other two.

I believe you mentioned something similar today. @pg2g


But what’s wrong with pointing that out when it’s so obvious? Is it bad to want to see things being judged fairly. I feel like if these outlets and personalities were a bit more fair on these things general discourse around this console would be a lot better wouldn’t you agree?

Marvel vs Capcom 2 runs on Naomi (Sega) arcade board.


Lets be honest, if nintendo had a steaming turd on the stage with a Zelda emblem on it for an hour it would still get an A off a load of people. Its so tedious.


It could present a logo of Zelda with “Coming soon” and you still get this:


I usually don’t even bat an eye anymore when games skip Xbox but not getting mvc really pisses me off

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I totally get it. I would feel the same when I see something Elder Scrolls related.

Btw it’s been 6 years since the TES 6 trailer. :smiling_face_with_tear:


totes hilar


Some people want to dismiss thanks to it being a “30 year old collection” MVC2 is huge in the FGC and at the moment Xbox has little to no presence there thanks to Sony locking down SF5. MVC2 skipping is nearly on the same level, it’s not good at all.


They always say that the mention of bias in gaming media is all crazy talk and victimhood and conspiracy theories.

But according to the “#1 gaming journalist”, gaming bias is very real and effective.

But of course, according to Schreier’s unbiased journalistic report, it’s a bias for Xbox :slight_smile:



Hmm I see. I personally do not care about fighting games at all, but I can see why fans are disappointed . I definitely was disappointed about Monster Hunter Stories 1 and 2. Whatever the reason is, I wish they’d give some clarity on it. Just say it. But I guess not.

Replaying Doom Eternal since I never finished it. Need to get this off the back log before Dark Ages. This game fucks with my blood pressure. :joy:


They will never come out and say the reason because no one will push them on it. Maybe an insider comes forth and gives some actual insight but that’s all we’ll get. For all of certain big fighting game Youtubers who get special treatment from Capcom and have a lot of pull in the community who were very vocal on how these games should come back and everyone should be able to play them, will no doubt be very quiet about Xbox owners being left out of it as they were with Street Fighter 5.

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I got to say, I’m glad Direct happened today with Xbox Showcase being really strong instead of just good for us fans. This shows how much of a fan a person is, including journalists. I have no problem if your preference is with Nintendo or Xbox, but the fact some of us can see how easy it is to be pleased from either platform is exposed clearly. If Nintendo actually cared about polls and what not, they probably look at Xbox like:

I mean fans already are, so I digress.

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I definitely don’t agree with the verbage you’ve used, but this place definitely doesn’t feel nearly as friendly as it used to be.

There’s a lot of just flat out passive aggressive comments just being thrown around, people twisting words, etc.

You’re not the only one that feels a bit off right now about the vibe here, I promise you that. There are some really great people here, but there are folks that are caught up in the wave of negativity going around (whether warranted or not I’ll leave to each individual) that just kills the entire mood of the forum imo. I’m sure many of them might not be intentional, or maybe not realizing they’re doing it, but its happening.

My personal take, step away for a while or talk to some buddies offsite. Let the people that know you hear your opinion. If they agree or disagree, then at least you know you’re having a fair conversation.

That’s just my two cents though. I won’t expand any further on it.