XboxEra Community Hangout |OT12| The Dirty Dozen

Which is funny because Sony is doing less shows than ever.

Anyway, over 140,000 votes are in:

D is winning with 40%. I remember someone here told me that Geoff said there will be more game focus and less talking. It’s still there. He really should learn more from this. I bet he won’t because he’s basically all we got, I mean the thumbnail has him on it as if to flex over it.


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Starting to see Metaphor ads on YouTube and yes, Xbox got the marketing.


Personally, im someone that prefers the current setup because it’s simply better. You still get a PlayStation Showcase or State of Play, you still get the Xbox Games Showcase, you still get the Nintendo Direct, you still get the Ubisoft Showcase and you still get the PC Gaming Show.

The only difference is that you’re getting Summer Game Fest which was mediocre at best today but last year’s was pretty good and overall, Keighley’s shows aren’t bad and simply additive because you didn’t have them before.

Sony had PlayStation Experience for a few years and ended it. They would then just be at Gamescom, Tokyo Game Show or Paris Games Week but they’ve been replaced by State of Plays throughout the year so it’s basically the same thing.

The only difference is that I don’t have to see cars on stage, celebs, music bands and all this other garbage that’s just wasting my time. Sure, seeing Barlog play God of War in 2016 or seeing Keanu Reeves on the Xbox stage in 2019 was awesome but how many times do people go on stage, get nervous, stutter, not know what they really want to say or just don’t get their game across the way they want to?

I know SGF was live with an audience but I prefer the digital format. Record the damn thing, get it right, show the games in the best way possible since it’s not live and there’s no technical issues and just give me game after game after game because that’s why im watching. I’m not watching for any other reason.

The only true negative would be for those who went to California yearly and saw everything live which I understand and makes sense but that’s more of an experience than anything else but for the vast majority of people, just show me the games.

If I personally was to have any negative, it would only be that the shows are spread out as opposed to being within a three day span and then later in the week, all the hands on previews and stuff get posted.

But we still get previews and in all honesty, once ESA lost people’s information, why would anyone or any company go with them when you wouldn’t be able to trust them whatsoever? Not only that but what they charged for a booth or floor space or whatever was outrageous. I wouldn’t pay that shit at all, not when I have the internet and can do a digital showcase streamed directly to the viewer.

To each their own but I don’t see how it’s all that different because you’ll still get bad showcases here and there like Microsoft’s 2017 Briefing or Sony’s E3 2019 when they were sitting at a desk because they had to move people from one stupid tent to another.

I don’t want any of that shit. That’s just a waste of time that you could use to show me games or decrease the length of your show and actually value the viewer’s time.

Of course, this is just my own personal opinion. Just stack the showcase as best as possible and call it a day.


I think there was more of a pressure on the companies (first party at least) to put on a decent show. Sony hasn’t tried in years, even with their Showcases.


I think there’s more pressure now because you don’t have the hype and the hoopla from E3 which if you have a bad show, it won’t matter as much because it’s more of an experience than anything if you were there live but watching from home, I don’t see it as any different than what it is now.

Sony has had four showcases and three of them were really good. June 2020, September 2020 and September 2021. Only May 2023 was mediocre and disappointing. State of Play is 50/50. For every good State of Play, you get a mediocre one. Microsoft has had four showcases. July 2020 was CGI fest. June 2021 was great. June 2023 was even better and June 2022 was mediocre and an indie/mobile fest.

Basically, all of them are going to have a mediocre showcase from time to time simply because a lot of stuff may not be ready to be shown and a lot of companies don’t want to reveal games early with gameplay because they know it will be picked apart despite being years away and if they show you just a CGI trailer, it’s like, what’s the point? Great to know and great for hiring purposes, does nothing for the majority unless it’s a game that you just don’t expect to happen which rarely happens.

Do you think there’s any chance that Rocksteady could make a single player prequel to SS where Batman is in Metropolis? Sort of helping Superman find out Brainiac’s plot? Basically reuse the entire city asset and just add Batman and cutscenes lol They could probably recoup costs like that.

I’ve always thought the movies needed to explore his greatest weakness, his judgment. Like if a plane with Lois Lane in it was crashing and then she gets sucked out of the plane does he go save her or let her go and save the entire plane? Will his selfishness factor in? I think putting gamers into that position would be kind of interesting.

If there’s a tornado in Smallville but also an assassination of attempt of the Mayor of Metropolis…Which do you go to?

Like imagine playing at Superman and flying over Metropolis and, with your super hearing, being able to hear 20 people ask for your help at the same time.

And then after your decisions which impact how Metropolis looks like and who lives there (the player decided to save a cat from a tree instead of stopping a meteor from hitting the city :rofl:) then you can introduce your big bad that can actually hurt Superman. Someone like Doomsday.


Omg I am gonna smoke Alan Wake II DLC so hard.

Honest question: why is Horizon Lego Adventures not releasing on Xbox? Is it cause “Sony hates Xbox” or what is the business reason?

It is painful you give them games and you don’t even get the clearest candidates in return.


Yep that was me lol, he put out a tweet saying less music and speeches, more games.

I read it as also being less him (probably wishful thinking, I can’t stand the guy) but there was definitely not less of him lol.

It still dragged as much as last year, if not more as the announcements for the most part sucked

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So no Kunitsu-Gami tomorrow at the Xbox showcase.

Good. More room for new games.


So Wukong is delayed for optimisation. I’m hoping this means it won’t be too far off. It’s probably about done for PS5 and PC, so then they can optimise for Xbox. Hopefully means we get it not too long after the official launch.

It is assumed that the decision isn’t on just Sony. But also the Lego company. Previous lego games are multiplat anyway. Like sony wanted the game to be PS/PC only but Lego said “nah add 1 more platform atleast or the project is dead”.

That’s actually a really interesting concept, sort of a Superman RPG where your choices impact the game.

These are made up numbers, but you could probably say 60%+ of the LEGO game playing market is on Switch (large install base, child demographic), like 30% is on Playstation (large install base, adult demographic), and probably less than 10% on Xbox (small install base, adult demographic).

The additional sales you’d get from porting to Xbox don’t make it worth it. Switch makes sense because that’s where a huge chunk of the consumers are for that type of game.


I find the indie scene is a lot like craft beer. There’s a lot less variety then the hardcore fans like to admit, and half of it is owned by the big players anyway.


It’s finally kicking in on how hilarious Battle Aces trailer was. I mean if the game is good, then good, but man, I had a different vision and I’m sure everyone else did. I guess they spent at least $250,000 to showcase anime.

I was recently reminiscing about the time when games like Braid and Bastion got a ton of attention on Xbox 360 just because there was nothing else like them. (Besides being good games too.) Now it does feel like there’s an ocean of similar looking, small scale 2D games.

It’s either pixelated, roguelite, or soul-like.

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