XboxEra Community Hangout |OT12| The Dirty Dozen

Hey! My Toriyama Dragon Quest art book is out for delivery today. That seems fitting.

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The only way I see that happening is if the ARM chip thatā€™s rumored to be the next hardware comes to all future smart tvs and phones. But even then itā€™s unlikely as they would have so many software hurdles to jump through to get it all to work.

Again the gaming media are taking Jezā€™s musings on Twitter (where he says he puts his opinions rather than sourced information which he puts in Windows Central articles) and running with it.

Itā€™s one of the ideas for how it might work - but no one knows for definite yet, probably not even Xbox themselvesā€¦


Xbox themselves definitely know, especially if it kicks off 2026.


Microsoft does not want to invest much on loss making hardware. They will pass hardware manufacturing to third party. Third party will meet minimum specs and go beyond those specs.

Xbox will still create an xbox branded device, but they wonā€™t be aggressive in selling it at loss.

I suppose third party stores will also be available on the consoles. They will be PC parts assembled pre built PCs with atleast minimum specs of xbox.

Xbox reference design may become the reference design for PC games in general.

All this is my understanding with little knowledge I have.

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I think Hellblade 2 has me excited for every UE5 game lol. Iā€™m just imagining what Tomb Raider could look like.

Are the UE5 haters still out there?


It should be very interesting to see huge open worlds on UE5. Avowed isnā€™t going to be huge, but itā€™s not super small either.

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Not a hater, but they still need to continue working on that CPU utilization and traversal stutter. :sunglasses: But it that Hellblade 2 on Xbox alone doesnā€™t have traversal stutter at all while the PC version does. Which is pretty strange considering even Fortnite has it. Might be that velocity architecture at work.


Since they were brought back from the dead, PureXbox was one of my main sources of Xbox news - I didnā€™t know about XboxEra and most other places seemed quite anti-Xbox.

Now unfortunately though since the ABK merger many PushSquare fanboys drive by the comments, and with the multi-platform stuff and PX reporting every rumour including the massively negative ones (canā€™t blame them really, theyā€™re the most viewed and drive engagement particularly as the PS lot love to drop in) itā€™s becoming a difficult place to read.

This one (see below) in particular has riled me - I love Halo, think 343 have got the ā€œfeelā€ right which is really important, and I loved Infinite. But many commentators seem to hate 343, want Halo given to other devs (if itā€™s got CoD or Doom gunplay, itā€™s not Halo), hate the TV show and some even want it given up on completely.

(To be clear, Iā€™ve no issue with the article for the most part, itā€™s the comments Iā€™m fed up with on PX recently).

I do think a reboot might help as the lore is probably too deep now for newbies, but Iā€™m wanting 343 on it maybe with support from the Coalition to transition to Unreal engine as they apparently are doing.

Whatā€™s everyoneā€™s thoughts? Thought might get more rational responses hereā€¦

I like the gameplay in infinite and I like where the story has gone. I know this mite annoy some people but I do prefer halo under 343 as opposed to bungee. The story is good just build on it. focus on chiefs burdan trying to be a protect of humans and failing to save them and really go hard on the chief new cortana relationship.

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Could be shader compilation? Or does the game do it at first launch?

I played Immortals with this option enabled and it works great, didnā€™t notice any issue on a Samsung QN90 tv

Iā€™ve always felt with Halo 4 343 had the perfect chance to really start a fresh with the series. Yes it would have been a risk but with Chief and Cortanaā€™s saga wrapped up perfectly and the Covenant war and story threads done, thatā€™s when they should have introduced a new main character, focused fully on new enemies (the Covenant were brilliant to fight but 20 years later theyā€™re still essentially the main enemy. .

Also 343 seem to struggle sticking with what direction they want to go in story wise. Halo 4ā€™s stuff got tossed aside come Halo 5, then it feels that got tossed come Infinite. I think 343 are a solid developer,but it seems every Halo they come out with just seems to come with an asterisk or some sort of ā€œthis part of the game is good BUTā€¦ā€.

Infinite had a lot of potential, the gameplay feels really great but itā€™s a shame the open world just felt it didnā€™t live up to itā€™s potential. We didnā€™t get a variety of biomes, vehicle based levels that people love from Halo or even some sort of constant updates to keep us coming back to the open world. I think 343 just need to cook, stick with a direction story and gameplay wise and launch strong with everything the game needs


Yep I guess a ā€œsoft rebootā€ might work that introduces newbies without overwhelming them with stuff necessary to the continuing story might work.

I definitely want more Master Chief and yep the whole ā€œhe canā€™t be everyone at onceā€ burden is interesting

Yep I think the DLCs might have planned to go to different biomes - I was glad at least if we werenā€™t gong to get variety that they did the typical halo ring look as the main one, and it matched the look we expect (and saw in the TV series too).

Agreed 343 have almost everything right, they just need to pick a storyline and stick with it - and hopefully with the reorganisation of management theyā€™ll get the support they need to deliver it

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The last 24 hours has been fun. We had some bad storms roll in and a power surge fried my modem, router and a few ethernet cables. Whatā€™s more interesting though is that when it happened I was talking to my wife and suddenly there were a few flashes near my fireplace followed by loud bangs. Basically it looked and sounded like someone dropped a few M80ā€™s down our chimney. Iā€™m guessing the surge caused an arc between two outlets, or our chimney got struck by lightning. Either way, it scared the shit out of us.

Another fun effect is that it scrambled our garage door opener. It turns on and all of the buttons work, but it refuses to actually open the door. So yeah, new modem, router and I now have to pay for an electrician to come out and make sure my house isnā€™t going to burn down as well as a garage door specialist (lol) to press a few buttons to make it work again.

Also, this experience made me realize just how reliant I am on the internet. I actually had to read a book last night. :smile:


Framedrops gone? Because I noticed those last week, think that was before patch.