XboxEra Community Hangout |OT12| The Dirty Dozen is what everyone taught for and it isn’t a failed launcher. If they closed it and migrate, you can bet your deed that steam numbers will shoot through the roof.

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Just look at COD for example, one of the biggest games and does well on PC but barely in the top 10 and that’s because people on PC play on BNET. Which makes you think making certain games exclusive to stores seems like it could work for the right games. Minecraft and Fortnite not on Steam yet are huge.

I think if GTA6 was exclusive to their launcher people would buy it there and not wait for Steam for example but smaller less hyped games won’t work.

The missing xdefiant number on Steam made me remember Ubisoft has a launcher. I can only count with Xbox charted at #23 which is good. How it will maintain is up to them. The Finals lost the momentum. Will this game too? I know people bank on this to ruin CoD momentum, but we’ll see.

That all said how is the game. I have yet to play it.

I tune out whenever someone starts to go on about Steam numbers. It’s very on brand for the average PC muppets, in their world only Steam counts. The Mighty …Storefront Fans. It’s weird af.

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I think they had over 3 million unique players which is good for a start, but like you say it’s all about maintaining the numbers high.

I just know it’s gonna drop off but it could have a small core audience that sticks to it, they missed the boat on really taking it to COD when it was down but people are already getting hyped for BO6.


I was talking with a friend a few days ago and while we were talking about Game Pass we touched on the marketing aspect of it and what came to mind was why isn’t GP marketing focusing more on older 1st party titles? it makes sense if you think about it since the GP model is completely different than the retail model where the marketing push only lasts a few months (almost always pre-release) plus the 1st party titles are the only games that will always be in the service so in essence they are the pillars of the service and in the end the selling point of it all.

GP right now has some really great 1st party games in there: from AAA juggernauts like Halo Infinite and Forza Horizon 5 to smaller and quirkier games like Psychonauts 2, Hi-Fi Rush and Ori And the Will of the Wisps (plus the various EA Play games if you want to add some 3rd party pepper in there). Show that along with the latest 1st and 3rd party additions you also have a lot more games in there with a wide variety that can please almost everyone…the great 1st party portfolio of Xbox and it’s beautiful variety should be a selling point even if a game is 3-4 years old.

I am not a marketing expert in any way but does that make sense to anyone else or I am crazy? :roll_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue:


You have my attention, Mr. CEO.


Dude is putting the money where his mouth is. Hoping for some cool SE announcements during Xbox show.


FFXVI has the best shot to be the engine start for Square multiplatform push.


It would be awesome if it’s actually both 16 and FF7R but something tells me the latter for reasons is still gonna take some time.

I wouldn’t mind seeing some older SE titles announced either, such as Trials of Mana. Speaking of Mana, we should probably get a release date for Visions.

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I think it’s hard to ascertain the marketing power of these games, since gaming like other media tends to focus on the stuff that’s new.

I personally don’t find the prospect of games I can probably buy second hand for a 10er that attractive, which is why I tend to subscribe to gamepass after a new first party title I find interesting releases and tend to unsubscribe when there is a big gap between first party releases.

I feel like GP marketing is being underserved in general

It’s such an incredible service that they should be promoting it out the ass everywhere and letting super causual folks understand what it actually is

Saying “play it with GP” is nice but super casual folks likely don’t know what that even means, maybe that will change when they finally get CoD there Day 1 as it’s really the first game that would smash into the mainstream zeitgeist


Seeing all the new console rpgs being made right now reminds me how depressing the Xbone/ps4 era was for the genre. Easy candidate for lamest gaming generation of all time for me.

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Pretty much a Play Anywhere confirmation? Was Octopath?

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It is. It doesn’t tell you but it is. DQ11 is also one and it does list as such.

Probably also means Game Pass in the future, but would encourage those who want these games to buy them day 1.

You got this!

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For us enthusiasts who follow the new releases/hype cycles including older titles in the GP marketing won’t do much sure but for the more casual folks who don’t have an Xbox (or a GP sub on PC) seeing all this variety could be enticing and impressive for a “pay monthly and enjoy a vast variety of games” service like GP. My whole theory is mostly geared towards the more casual audience who don’t know what GP really is.