XboxEra Community Hangout |OT12| The Dirty Dozen

EA hasn’t announced a special stream for Dragon Age so far, so it seems quite likely that it will be a SGF thing. I’m definitely curious about it, a bit more than that. Cautiously curious, lol.

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Maybe it’ll be at the Xbox show :stuck_out_tongue:


Could be a trailer yeah.

But I kinda am expecting a more extensive coverage on the game, longer footage, maybe some devs talking. But this could turn out to be the wrong expectation to have. Maybe it’s just a trailer.

I forget, is it supposed to hit this year?

That seems to be the current consensus.

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Yup. Believe one of the insiders did say that. Which would be very cool if true and we RPG fans will be eating good, with Avowed as well. Assuming DA will be good too.

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That would be excellent.

I’m really hoping for a return to form here from BioWare after a couple of misses. I feel optimistic!


I just saw a post that XSX is outselling PS5 on Amazon UK. You know, if they want to stabilize that position, they need to buy EA and make FC game look like the biggest game with ads like BO6.

Xbox / Microsoft store $100 gift card for $90 on Newegg again


Just checked Amazon and yes oddly it is!

Xbox is #34 in PC & Video Games.

Switch is #42.

PS5 is #53.


Hellblade 2 most played numbers, some great numbers in Europe which is to be expected and Asia. Being only a 6-8 hour game I doubt it will last long high up but that doesn’t mean it’s not being played.

  • Iceland #1
  • Korea #5
  • Italy #7
  • Japan #11
  • Denmark #11
  • India #12
  • Poland #12
  • France #14
  • UK #18 (this could be why console sales are up in the UK atm)
  • AUS #31
  • USA #30

After seeing Hellblade 2 I’m really feeling the Fable hype. Hopefully we will get to see it again at the showcase!


Cautiously optimistic here. Love Dragon Age (especially DAO), but the leaked gameplay from a while ago and the news they wanted to emulate God of War was disappointing to me.


We’ll see what brand of action RPG it turns out to be, but no matter what it could have been worse, they could have gone for a turn-based Larian-alike. :rofl:

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Good numbers, and it’s why steam charts shouldn’t be the only metric people look at. IT makes sense why people would opt to play this game through gamepass rather than owning it.

#4 in Spain with very positive reviews, which is saying something for a title that’s not been dubbed!


Ever since 2021, steam chart is been pedestal as a sign of everything that only matters. Imagine Fortnite coming to Steam and only do 80,000. Will they think that’s like majority of players? If anything, people should look at all platforms and see how it’s doing. Like even one fails, if another pops up, then it’s fine.


Overwatch 2 is doing great as far as we know, same as Diablo 4 and yet look at their steam numbers. Like, even COD might not seem to be doing as good as you might think just looking at Steam numbers.