XboxEra Community Hangout |OT12| The Dirty Dozen

Decima engine never fails to impress me.


Not sure why I even own a PS5 still. Not a single thing in that interests me. Death Stranding looks good visually sure. But I have no interest in playing it.

Silent Hill 2 looked soulless.


Good: Ronin and Judas

Bad: Silent Hills 2 looks like Homecoming

Weird: Nier clone with weird boob bouncing animation

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Not super impressed with the show over all. Iā€™m excited for Judas but that trailer showed less of the game than the initial reveal did. And Stellar Blade actually looked a little better than expected. But other than thatā€¦ eh.

State of Play kinda not hitting anything teplmpting at all. If you wanted me to buy a PS5 it really didnā€™t grab in anyway.

If youā€™re going to suggest that every Xbox game is first person, then having three of your big hitters bring JRPG hack and splashy action things isnā€™t it, Iā€™m afraid.


And they really actually announced that Kojima will be working on another game, someday.

Okay I think Stellar Blade and Dragonā€™s Dogma 2 were all I got out of that, but the show wasnā€™t bad IMO.

DS2ā€¦ I dropped DS1 after 8 hours :neutral_face:

Roninā€¦ Looks like something Iā€™d try half off when itā€™s on PC

And I donā€™t think I have much else to comment on.

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Yeah Iā€™m never going to ā€œget overā€ 3rd person action combat lol. I welcome any and all fast paced DMC style combat. Hopefully Xbox has more in the pipeline.


this show is more like state of Wishlist


Judas looked pretty interesting, shame that game is probably years away. Edit: Actually planned for ā€œearly 2025ā€

I havenā€™t watched the show but now I might have to :thinking:

lol. As someone said itā€™s basically ā€œWe have Neir at homeā€. Also yeah Hyung Tae Kim designs, there will be boobs!

Playstation and overhype, name a more iconic duo xd


Itā€™s the game Stellar Blade which was announced as a multiplat, but Sony bought the publishing rights (and no drama).

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I wanted to give them the benefit of the doubt but what the show was ROUGH. Really bad first impressions.

Yet another absolutely lackluster SoP where so many of the cultists and fandom here spent the last two weeks freaking out about something that, yet again, didnā€™t happen. I do wonder when gamersā„¢ļø realize the magic they used to circeljerk about after Sony events, isnā€™t likely to come back any time soon. I mean, theyā€™re having a full SoP on a third-party gameā€¦ let that sink in. But nope, according to IGN idiots of the world, Sony is still killing it despite putting out less content over the last two years than Xbox did in 2022 (the year we saw two dozen+ articles written about its ā€œdroughtā€).


Xbox and being doomed after every rumour.


ā€œKojima will someday start working on a new action stealth espionage game, eventually, after he finishes this gameā€¦and his other game, but you definitely maybe might see it byā€¦ohhā€¦.2030ā€¦give or takeā€¦maybe. GET HYPEDā€


I actually really enjoyed that State of Playā€¦

The only downside was the lack of release dates on a few very notable titles, but yaā€™ll be crazy if half those games arenā€™t going to be bangers. :person_shrugging: