XboxEra Community Hangout |OT12| The Dirty Dozen

Handheld… This year no way.

Announcing hinting /announcing 2026 console line up… 50-50.

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I understand you so well. Was really hoping this one would be a bit on the more less challenging side, compared to a Lies of P or many other Souls clones. I’ll give it a shot, but if I see there’s a boss with multiple phases I will head straight to “uninstall” game. I do not fuck with that bullshit.

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The replies are…

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Why this much pushback? Don’t Xbox games on Steam require Xbox account too, and many other games?

The problem is Xbox tells you from the get go. Also, as one has said, HD2 is heavily carried by PC gamers, so them seeing this to happen now is like an assassination attempt during a conference speech.


Starting to feel guilty that I now have hundreds of games on EGS (including F2P) and haven’t brought any :rofl:.

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They already alluded to next gen in that little interview they did, but then I wonder if talking about it this early at their summer showcase could potentially slow down sales of Series consoles even more.

I’d honestly take a handheld Series S right now if it meant a 2027 next gen to be honest. Still potentially 1 year before Ps6, so power gap might be smaller or more manageable. Also, handheld GTA6 would be a killer move, not gonna lie.


Do we know if it is going to be 1st or 3rd person?

Not sure; seems to be not available to do so in many regions. I think Sony will roll this back.

Probably made in 1st person but with a 3rd person option like they added to Village.


No idea.

But it would be nice after they gave those third person cams to Village and (7 too?) if they do that now too.

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Apparently it was always the intention but had technical issues at launch. Imo they could offer an incentive to link a PSN account instead of forcing it, like get a exclusive cosmetics and currency or whatever the game has like that.

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Gamers are insane to complain about required PSN account. Many publishers require an a an account to play their games . It’s not like it’s ubisoft connect where it forces you to install a launcher


Ah… PC Gamers.

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Steam, specifically

Going Live

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They are the worst, but it’s all pretty awful.