XboxEra Community Hangout |OT12| The Dirty Dozen


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Oh man, those were THE days.

I remember playing the very first R6 and I was blown away. Raven Shield was so damn good too.

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He did report on Brothers going to Game Pass, so this could in fact happen. Take it as you will.


Their answer in the FAQs for Lords of the Fallen on does it have difficulty settings is “true to the genre, there are no difficulty settings”, and they’ve also got no accessibility options to help either.

So it can rot in my eyes - they don’t want me playing, I’m hoping for my sake it doesn’t take up too much of the Game Pass budget in favour of games I can actually play


You need to chill and stop and think.

Also im guessing you mean the switch 2. And even then p6 is unlikely.

Ms arent in the business of paying 3rd parties to stop releasing games on ps. They arent scummy shit like sony.

If ms has a timed deal its a gsmepass deal that works for all parties.

Persona 6 will have marketing on xbox. Wont be exclusive and most likely wont be Gamepass day 1.

Not sure why you’re telling me too chill when you’e agreeing with me

This has zero chance of being exclusive and MS would have had little interest in trying and yes, I mean the switch 2

Im saying its clearly not the case. So why are you reading that article or rumour the wrong way.

The thread is saying MS tried to make it a console exclusive, I’m saying that’s bollocks

I cant find the thread that link goes to the cloud shit. But yeah its false but these rumours always shit.

I think it got deleted, either OP deleted or mods couldn’t verify anything they were saying

What are the chances of a handheld being announced this year and possibly being released this year? Iv seen a few people speculate this

A bit late, but yes. I’ve noticed it randomly in combat and interactions with the environment as well.

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I’d consider it extremely low because I think the handheld is tied to their next gen plans not current gen.

0% chance of release this year, possible announcement this year as vision of the future of Xbox but not with details. Probably 2026 release.


you remember when the one S was announced and it was all digital like they were testingthe waters on a digital console. What if they got the s into a digital form? test the water on a handheld

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Releasing a handheld today would mean it probably has to be Series S in portable form, unless MS has some secret sauce ARM handheld that can run everything at native speeds in a package they can sell for cost. To me at least, if it can be done, it’d mean MS expects this gen to last longer than 2026 or else it feels late to release a new device, or it is planning to have some sort of long last cross gen period.

To me at least, a handheld wouldn’t be a high end, expensive device like a PS5 Pro that will only sell to a few so ideal conditions would be to launch alongside Xbox Series Beast next gen as to give people choice and, hopefully, catch Sony by surprise and changing the game. If Steamdeck popularity translates well to consoles, this could be a real winner to be honest.

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Wouldn’t be worth all of the engineering hurdles and investment to make it happen. They’ll want to wait for the latest most efficient tech from AMD.

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do you mean handheld form? because the s is digital.

ya takeing the series s now and puttting it in handheld form somehow and seeing how people react to it and they can make any changes for the actual next gen handheld. I feel thats what they did with the one s as they released it in 2016 i think to see how people would take a digital console and it seemed to work well

The Xbox One S released in 2016 but it had a disc drive. I should know because i bought one on release day. The One Sad (S All Digital Edition) without a disc drive was released in 2019 iirc.

sorry ya thats what i was thinking of