XboxEra Community Hangout |OT12| The Dirty Dozen

The sad thing is, the least damaging so far in terms of studio is giving T4B independence.

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One of the good guys is gone.


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Reminder: Argue points, do not insult people.

If you think ā€œshould I insult this friend of Xbox Era?ā€. Please think twice in the future.


Kazuma REALLY canā€™t catch a break to the point itā€™s a curse.

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What was it?

It was about an update that supposedly Xbox Dashboard will include slightly larger friends interface like what games your friends are playing or parties theyā€™re in.


Thanks, itā€™s good to see them making all these UI improvements lately.

I still hope they eventually bring in the feature Steam has when youā€™re in the store and it shows you what games your friends already own or have in their wishlist.

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Yeah, theyā€™re just merging it and their PlayStation podcast all into a daily Gamescast So the content isnā€™t really going away, but the form will be a bit different.


If I have to hear PS dudes talk Xbox I probably wonā€™t watch lol


Anyone playing 76: have you noticed additional input lag while in crafting menus, or delayed event messages following Tuesdayā€™s update? Just gathering data before I submit a bug, but Iā€™ve been on three separate consoles across a handful of servers with the same issues (none of them being private) .

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Has anyone here played Cat Quest 2?

Iā€™m loving it, itā€™s great with couch co-op. So fun that 3 might be a day one for me.

Thereā€™s one thing I donā€™t get though. We found a magic wand that should heal us, except it doesnā€™t. I use it but my partner isnā€™t healed, nor am I.

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Yeah I played that last fall and loved it, definitely interested in the third as well. Iā€™d have to look at my save game to remember but I definitely had some spell or something that I used for healing (maybe the wand enhances the power of that spell?), does your player that you have it assigned to have any magic abilities / items? I forget.

Iā€™ll reinstall and try to look how my characters were set up.

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Both the cat and dog have magic abilities, but you canā€™t wield a wand and sword, youā€™d have to unequip one of them. I am looking at the game now. Hereā€™s the thing :slight_smile:

Healing Staff. It says Healpaw +30%!

No other explanation. But I am guessing Healpaw is one of the magic abilities, I donā€™t have it yet though. But I do have a magic ability called Freezepaw, Manapaw, etc.

So that would mean using the healing staff on enemies while always using the Healpaw ability would give me more health back? Some stuff isnā€™t explained very well. For example I also have a Bard Lute, Arcane Staff etc. But no info at all. Since it would take a lot of grinding to upgrade all these staffs to a respectable damage number it would be nice to know if they are worth it.

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You do you, but their plans are to have the lineup that makes the most sense depending on the topics theyā€™re discussing.

Going Live

Yeah, I just looked, healpaw is a pink spell you have to get, and then that staff impacts how much effect your spell has. It does cut your health of the character you equip it to though by quite a bit. I basically ended up doing spells for fire, shield, health, and mana regent to one character, and then the other one got freeze, increase attack, tornado and black hole.

So for my character, my level 10 healpaw heals 662, and if I gave that character that staff it increases to 866.

I mostly played around with the weapons and armor until I got what I wanted, they all have pros and cons

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Thanks for testing it. Much appreciated!

Yeah, I find it a big downer how much of your health bar goes away as soon as you equip a staff. Not a fan of that. I mean sure, with the staff you can perform some ā€œsafeā€ attacks on some enemies compared to if you just use melee, but the health bar cut is too drastic. Hoping they tone that down for 3.

3 looks great with the ship sailing and even sea combat. By the way, apparently thereā€™s a demo of it on Switch. If you have one. :slight_smile:

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I bought a game for switch last year but so far donā€™t own one. Holding off to see if 2 is back compact or not, and figured thereā€™ll be some good sales on old ones. Iā€™m cheap :grin:

Yeah, I ended up giving my dog a sword even though it was my primary healer/mage because I wanted it to have enough health to switch to when my melee /attack cat was near death. I played solo and Iā€™m sure youā€™d have a different strategy playing coop. I also did a lot of grinding to get their levels up to help make some battles easier for me. You eventually get the ability to go in the water and that can be a good place to grind.

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