XboxEra Community Hangout |OT12| The Dirty Dozen

Smooshing teams that haven’t worked together before doesn’t always = faster production.


Yeah it should be interesting what ends up happening. I remember Todd saying he would do Fallout 5. It was in the same interview where he said he wishes he had a magic wand to get games out quicker.

Todd isn’t going to let anyone other than himself/Bethesda work on FO5 so if another game was coming it would be a spin off like NV

Obsidian is really the only team out there that makes sense and I suppose once Avowed ships that team could start on it while the TOW2 team could join whenever it ships

A proper Fallout game would require the entire Obsidian studio eventually and likely require bulking up even further, 250 devs is nothing for games of this scale, they also wouldn’t have FO3 as a baseline like NV had back in the day so it would be much more work

but that’s all assuming Obsidian even want to work on it, right now their absolute best bet is supporting 76 as well as they can, many people have now seen that it’s actually a very solid game including myself


Tempt Josh Sawyer back for New Vegas 2 by offering up a ton of Bicycle parts and rare Cocktail ingredients.


New studio. Or new team inside Bethesdsa. Obsidian should be let to do their own things.

I have no doubt Bethesda and MS would have been actively looking to get a Fallout game made for a while, it’s unfortunate that almost every proper studio for it is busy until 2025 the earliest, and that is as you said assuming they even have the passion and pitch for it. Even if something gets started 2025 let’s say, that’s around 2030 release.

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Sawyer was just talking about letting teams take on smaller projects after bigger ones to avoid churn, and now everyone wants Obsidian to do Fallout. Guess gamers and the media were just giving him lip service when they agreed with him.


yeah about that

We may get a Fallout 3 Remaster “sooner rather than later”. Fallout 5 has not started yet so i don’t expect anything before 2030.


Obsidian are just naturally gonna be the main studio to pop up in this discussion because they have done it before, and also we did hear that that talk was being had internally at the studio anyway. Yes, personally I’m not gonna be angry if they don’t make it because it will be because they don’t have the passion or capacity for it at the time.

Oh I’m not talking about what anyone said here, just general gaming media. And I understand why people want Obsidian to do it.

There’s the type of discourse were people act like game development is willing things into existence because they make sense and are perfect on paper and from the the outside. Forget about wanting Obsidian to make a Fallout, I’ve seen people say that it’s a failure that they didn’t have that game by NOW to capitalize on the TV show :person_facepalming: like literally some people still behave like games get made on a whim.

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Wait the Star Trek simulator where you walk in, tell it the scenario you want and it immediately creates it doesn’t exist?

I thought it did the way much of the media goes on lol

(While I’d think I’d welcome that tech, in reality I suspect I’m too boring so it would just be “would you like to powerwash a film set again sir?”) :stuck_out_tongue:

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A spin off is possible but…still, which studio. People say Obsidian, but do they really want to take on such a big game? And would that even be out before 2030?

I get that MS wants it sooner, and it’s nice to want to things, but we’ll see.

Well, if BGS can’t get one out til like 2032 then 2030 is sooner lol.

It wouldn’t necessarily have to be a big game. If they’re looking to capitalize on the success of the Fallout show and the expanded name recognition from that, there’s nothing stopping them from doing a smaller experience that’s set in the world of Fallout.

With Fallout Shelter they’ve already shown they’re willing to branch out and experiment with the franchise, so there’s no telling what “a new Fallout game” means exactly.

It’s amusing watching IGN constantly get community noted on Twitter.


I wonder if that Fallout 3 Remaster and was it Morrowind/Oblivion Remaster rumor is true. Would be nice to have a Fallout game with season 2 of the show for maximum impact.


Maybe another Fallout like 1 and 2, or a twin stick shooter like Halo Spartan Assault(make it an RPG just keep the gameplay like a twin stick shooter) or an action RPG like the Ascent.

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This all is sounding very good.

Oh and more gore than Valhalla, including decapitations. Let’s go!!!

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