XboxEra Community Hangout |OT12| The Dirty Dozen

Has Bethesda said what time the next gen update will release ?

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Just reread the PR and it doesnā€™t mention a time unfortunately :frowning:



In all seriousness though, Iā€™m going to crashā€¦ feeling way too old to be up this late. I hope you lovely lot get to return to a prettied up Boston whenever itā€™s out :grin:


Itā€™s why whenever a certain member of DF goes onto twitter and complains about the console wars and being attacked I always roll my eyes, you made your bed now lay in it is how I see it and you donā€™t get to have it both ways sorry.

You want to monetise the console wars you get to deal with all the pros and cons of doing that and donā€™t play the victim. Death threats and so on are shitty and shouldnā€™t happen no matter what as nothing deserves that but when the people tap into this crowd that is what you get, not saying that it should be the case but it is. I canā€™t gather up any sympathy when they suffer the console war weirdos.


Random thought that doesnā€™t fit into any other thread: Xboxā€™s hot swappable HDD solution is perfect for machines with planned next gen refreshes.

I was looking at the cost of a 1TB and 2TB expansion as the extra space would make things pretty convenient. Noticed that they are still pricey considering the recent discounts and it made me think about the console prices factoring in this very expensive piece of technology.

I wouldnā€™t mind making the investment when itā€™s forward compatible and, most importantly, reduces the cost of the new machine because the new one doesnā€™t aim for even more storage space (as had been the case in most console revisions and upgrades in the past).

If there is a native handheld with support for this solution, Iā€™d go out tomorrow and get one. And if there was a mid-gen refresh, Iā€™d get the biggest one I could find.

There is no mid-gen refresh as far as we know but they set themselves up well for one.

Alternatively, I hope the PS5 Pro sticks with a 1 TB hard drive (which is a slight upgrade over the current one) instead of going all out as it just massively adds to the cost of the machine.

Consoles becoming completely modular makes them more like PCs but storage space is one area where it makes a lot of sense and I feel like new consoles should come out with the bare minimum.


I like the idea, however Iā€™m not sure it works. The SSD/M.2 space has been moving along quite quickly recently.

The internal WD SN530 NVMe SSD in the Series X/S is already behind the rest of the market. From what I remember it has 4 lanes of PCIe 3.0 with a custom PCIe 4.0 interface, whereas most M.2ā€™s now support atleast 4 lanes of PCIe 4.0 (each lane of PCIe 4.0 is 2x faster than PCIe 3.0).

When benchmarking was done on the Seagate expansion card, they found many games were taking longer to load than the above internal storage, indicating it is even slower. If it supports PCIe 4.0 x4 but is just currently being throttled by the Xbox than that may be ok, however considering itā€™s using a CF Express connection I doubt that is the case.

By the time we get to next gen I would assume the next Xbox would have upgraded to PCIE 4.0 x4 therefore the expansion card may start to struggle with newer games.

Itā€™s now even possible to buy PCIe 5.0 NVMe SSDā€™s. Here is a speed comparison below with PCIe 5.0 left and PCIe 3.0 (which Xbox uses) on the right.

If Xbox had instead went down the M.2 route like the PS5 did it may have been more feasible (the PS5 requires PCIe 4.0 x4 M.2 cards as a minimum)

Maybe the ā€œLargest Technical Leap in A Hardware Generationā€ will include them jumping directly from PCIe 3.0 to PCIe 5.0!


still have some quests left in fallout 3 so that one.

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Iā€™m on the fenceā€¦

I really want to play Sand Land, but 70 euros is just quite a lot of money. Thereā€™s also the option to refund my latest purchase that I didnā€™t play at all yet, Hogwarts Legacy. I bought that with gift cards via Rewards when it was on sale for 45 euros.

Maybe Iā€™ll wait a little. Itā€™s not like my backlog needs it, lmfao.

I would say wait for a sale because games drop in price quickly tbh

Yeah, I can somehow see this one dropping in price soon too. I just kinda really want to play it though. I. Must resist.

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You gonna return a GOTY candidate to play Sandland? That said I bought that game on sale too and havenā€™t popped it in yet lol.


Yep Hogwarts is one of my games of the generation so far - massive open world, no loading screens, looks great, faithful recreation, decent story and action - and itā€™s just really fun to use all the magic from the films / books.

Definitely worth keeping and playing!

You guys are right. Had it not been for my backlog I would have been exploring Hogwarts for damn sure already. I kinda donā€™t want to start with a big open world when I still have to continue with several others. So that means I shouldnā€™t get Sand Land either.


For those waiting for the Fallout 4 update, content is being added to the Creation Club as we speak (managed to see the notifications when I launched it earlier). The maintenance window for the CC is ongoing and Iā€™d wager that you can expect the update after the next 20 minutes or so (assuming the maintenance is finished on time). Happy wastelanding all.



One of the most popular light novel. Manga is pretty good as well. And good to see an Xbox version.

Update is out on Xbox.