XboxEra Community Hangout |OT12| The Dirty Dozen

You can love them both my friend, especially since you’re supporting the same group overall (absolutely love Yakuza/LaD as well). Persona 3 Reload is easily one of my top three favorite remakes, and the original is still my favorite in the series (love them all but 3 was very special to me).


Yeah, there is just something with these games, the type of games you spend your whole day in without noticing.

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Agree with most of this as iv had friends who have both had good and bad experiences in china. they really are China first and thats fine. Every country should be that country first. I dont have an issue with x. Its like the wild west where people can say whatever they want no matter how offensive. we need places like that. I dont trust what anything the USA has to say about this ban

I’m surprised Nintendo didn’t go after them sooner.

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I don’t think that is an argument anyone was making.

If I don’t want the US government to have my data, I sure don’t want a foreign nation I am not a citizen of to have it either. Whether it is from TikTok or any other source. The Chinese government isn’t some shining beacon of integrity, and that is what we are talking about here, governments. That goes for Denmark, England, Poland, Germany or any other nation on the planet, I don’t want any of them to have my data as they shouldn’t want the US to have theirs.

But I am admittedly an outlier. I run pi-hole, use private relay or other VPNs, run tracking blockers, and any other pertinent privacy extension that makes sense, I don’t install social media apps on my phone, I don’t have twitter (or whatever it is called), TikTok, or almost any other social media, etc. Sadly, it’s all still pretty futile.

China being a functional society that is nice to visit doesn’t really have anything to do with the topic at hand. Nor do I recall seeing anything in our media stating the contrary, though American media is generally poor across the board, admittedly.

Either way, most of America is clean, developed, and hospitable, but that doesn’t make our government less awful. I have been to Florida multiple times and had nothing but positive experiences and was treated with nothing but kindness (other than that damn heat), but the internet would have you believe it is nothing but meth-heads feeding their kids to alligators and Disney turning everyone gay. I live in the Florida of the North, Ohio, and almost everyone here is hospitable friendly, and the state is impeccably clean most places. The government of both states is objectively trash.



America clean and hospitable and friendly yeah right


The world would be a slightly better place if that site ceased to exist.


There is a lot of proof of the Chinese government interfering in elections or stealing sensitive industrial data though. Where do we draw the line and say that this time around, it’s ok?

Apparently I stumbled into a “America is garbage” cult masquerading as an Xbox forum.

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I mean, you’re the one that posted the shitty ignorant message/gif. Not me.

Evan if TikTok had no relation to China, they would still pursue the ban and controling TikTok and making it another Zuckerberg app clone.

Surprisingly, when most media is complicit in covering up a truth, even apps like this could become a threat to the narrative and a window for the oppressed to breath.

The target audience, the next generation, is also scaring them. They speak up, and won’t just shrug a genocide.

That doesn’t mean that TikTok is a beacon of truth, it has its own red lines. And it doesn’t mean that the Chinese government is any better than their western rivals (their crimes against the Uyghurs are some of the worst modern crimes, and it’s still going.)

I always hated TikTok, but it’s clear that they want to take it down now for the good effect it started showing, not for whatever harms to the children or freedom they claim (which could apply to every other app.)


Very well said.


Keep it civil, only warning


what fallout game is everyone playing this weekend. Got my fallout 4 ready


Same as last weekend (76, New Vegas) with the addition of another run because of the “new shiny” update for 4 :grin:

… this most recent hyper-fixation phase of Bethesda games is killing my backlog progress.


so in 2016 i got fallout 4 and i played it for a bit and was like im gonna wait for the rumored mid gens, i then never played it on the mid gens and decided to wait for the next gen updates. here we are. finally getting to really play it. silly i know


I’m never going to judge someone else’s playing habits when mine are as “this guy clearly has ADHD” as possible, so it’s not silly at all lol. Plus, now you get to play it in the best light it’s ever been on console :slight_smile: