XboxEra Community Hangout |OT12| The Dirty Dozen

I mean, my understanding is that they aren’t banning it for what it is. They want to ban it because the FBI believes it is a Chinese data harvesting implement that is controlled by the Chinese government.

Why is US threatening to ban TikTok and will other countries follow suit? | TikTok | The Guardian

Why is the US threatening to ban TikTok?

US lawmakers and authorities are concerned that data from TikTok’s 170 million US users could be accessed by the Chinese state under national security laws.

Christopher Wray, the director of the FBI, the US domestic intelligence and security agency, has said that ByteDance is “controlled by the Chinese government” and has warned that Beijing authorities can influence people by manipulating the algorithm that curates what people view on TikTok, as well as allowing the government to collect user data for “traditional espionage operations”.

Is that true? Hell if I know. Nor do I use tiktok.


That would hold merit if they banned any of the other platforms that do said thing, in and out of this country. The real reason is because people mobilized the youth vote last election, and now both parties want to quell a platform where labeling a genocide a genocide can’t be censored by a US puppet. Really encourage folks to look past the bullshit statement by this government and instead listen to the analysts and political pundits who’ve got data point after data point.

Also, per that original claim by the gov, it stated that there was ultimately speculation that it could give the Chinese government access… despite the owner being Singaporean (love the racism on display by Congress in the hearings two months ago) and despite the fact that the US never proved there was credible sourcing to prove such claims… just like this government’s claims about UNRWA (although to be fair, in that case, the US was unequivocally proven to be lying). That’s all I’ll say on the matter else I dive too much into politics.


wifes old 49 inch vizeo died in the living room. i had gift cards from work and got a 75 inch R650 TCL. its a nice tv. Is the quality as good as my oled in my office? no but its still good and iv never owned a tv this big before. its huge. I ended up only paying 20 bucks. She can read all the little text on ark now


I always felt like this isnt about tik tok being dangerious. Chinese access and all that is just an excuse so when something big happens people cant have instant access to things. Thats why I think they want it banned


Bingo. Every other major social media platform is owned by an American entity that grant thousands of data requests by the American government, so the things they accuse the Chinese gov of doing are things this one actually is. They’re solely concerned because it’s not owned by Americans who happily hand data over, and with the newly signed FISA renewal, their spying power just got all the red tape removed. So before anyone applauds this, I’d heavily suggest doing some research on the matter and the accompanying FISA bill - the last thing I would do is take anything they say at face value.


I talked about this with an acquaintance of mine and he said we Europeans have nothing to fear, even if it would get banned in USA. Not sure it works that way though. I mean wouldn’t it become illegal to use on Android phones and such and then basically meaning nobody can access it?

Yeah, I am aware of its “intention”. That said the “benefit” from outside would be less foolish act and trend. Sadly, sometimes you can’t help stupid. The one who keeps encouraging, not necessarily on followers, but you can argue that.

Right, but there’s no good reason the Chinese gov ever needs access to that kind of data about US users regardless of circumstances. I am in support of them having to separate it somehow.


I think you missed my, and the actual point; there has been no proof that the Chinese government has even collected said data and worse, there’s been no proof that they can. So, the US is using this excuse to ban a platform because they can’t just send their data requests to spy on Americans… like the American government already does with Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.

Again, really advise doing due diligence here and if the timing of this, coupled with the signing of FISA doesn’t send massive red flags flying… I honestly have no idea what to tell you. BTW, this bill isn’t even about TikTok, it was shoved into a war funding package for crying out loud (which is how shit like this always gets through in this country).

TLDR for the blind; TikTok is being banned because it’s one of the only media sources not controlled by the government/Murdoch-types and is one of the only places people were being shown ACTUAL events from Palestine, but because this government is all about killing people if they’re Black or Brown, they can’t have people seeing what’s actually being done. Not apologizing, that’s literally the crux of the issue… I also literally work with CySec in that sector, so yeah.

Some more information on the program the US is kicking back up for warrentless taps (you know, the same thing the NSA got caught with their hand in the cookie jar for?)

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They’re beholden to the CCP. China law requires that. And there was a case last year where a former executive of ByteDance said the CCP has a backdoor to US-based operations.

Is that true? Is all of it suspect? Are there a hidden (or not so hidden) agenda? Regardless of all of that, I don’t think a company beholden to the CCP should have that kind of data and the separation needs to happen at some point.

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Anyone who said Xbox fans are the only fans riled up over a score (ie Starfield) should look no further than today’s reaction. It’s even crazier that it’s not even from their own studio. Perhaps Biden should ban X while he’s at it.

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For me personally while I don’t trust any of the communist countries and what they stand for, I also have a big problem with countries like China that make it impossible for foreign companies to properly establish themselves over there while we’ve never stopped them from doing business nor buying western companies and assets.

They also have a big tendency to steal from western countries in terms of technology and then copy it and sell it for cheaper and destroying western investments. So in the end I have zero problem banning any of their products on that basis alone.

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I was working on formulating a response to a lot in this thread. But I just deleted it, it’s not really worth heading down that road and I may just be misinterpreting a bit of what has been posted as a bit condescending. They are issues too complex to distill into a forum conversation, so I’m just going to avoid it altogether. (A lot of things I agree with mixed in with things I partially agree with or don’t agree with, its too much to parse lol)

I’m just going to eat a sandwich and play Fallout 76.


All of these are valid conversations, but as I mentioned before this is not the point; as I say again, from the original point @Sydle ignored, there has been no evidence that China has any backdoor to said data (sorry but gov requests are no different by this standard than the US, if you think they don’t do anything nefarious with that data, a lot of Black Civil Rights leaders would provably disprove).

This is straight from an article on CNN posted on the 24th of March, and this is significant because CNN is very much part of that apparatus I discussed earlier (they repeated proven US lies about Gaza for nearly half a year, despite ample evidence to the contrary):

“To date, there is no public evidence that Beijing has actually harvested TikTok’s commercial data for intelligence or other purposes” furthermore “ Chew, the TikTok CEO, has publicly said that the Chinese government has never asked TikTok for its data, and that the company would refuse any such request”

Again, you both are arguing against me using hypotheticals but I’m arguing points of fact, and without evidence there’s no fact attributed to the case being made against TikTok. I couldn’t care less about TikTok, but I do care about a government doing everyting in their power to whittle away our rights while telling you they’re protecting you from Big Bad China. The hypocrisy and fascism-skirting is already a bit too much.


Also on CNN: Analysis: There is now some public evidence that China viewed TikTok data

The truth is probably somewhere between what the two ByteDance execs are saying and that’s enough for me to say separate it.

And I’m aware of how our own tech companies are using our social media data and how algorithms are being used to prefer certain types of content and agendas. My stance on it is we don’t need to add more actors and what if scenarios on how we’re being manipulated.

You are entitled to your POV and I respect it. I’m not changing my mind.

You do realize that article was disproven… by the article from this March. Also from your very article (after the body actually contradicts the headline, go figure, as this was the conclusion of a singular source that failed to provide evidence):

“TikTok may collect an extensive amount of data, much of it quietly, but as far as researchers can tell, it isn’t any more invasive or illegal than what other US tech companies do.”

This isn’t about your view of China, this about a bill created under the guise of security when it’s actually about control… for the tenth time, there’s been no fact to any of your claims, mine does, and more to the point if you’re sitting here in 2024 (after watching the last seven months) thinking that this has anything to do with Americans’ safety (the same gov that sends $100 to fund wars but won’t spend a dime on programs the rest of the world basically guarantee their citizens), I’ve got a damn bridge to sell you.

Let me reiterate: **there has been no evidence of the claims against TikTok by the US government”. So many find it hard to separate their opinion from fact these days it seems.

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It may sound aggressive, controversial and may trigger the sentiment of some here, but it is not personal, but I don’t think USA or west “democracies” are more or less trustable than China or any other communist country. US was and is involved in so many coups and hijacks around the world that is not even funny to list here. The bad China propaganda is really at full activity and being used to justify some controversial acts. Listening to a bunch of ppl reports that was in China recently, including my brother, 3 times, they all came back impressed on how organized, clean and developed it is and they didn’t felt in any situation that they are as bad as west midia painted it is or that the ppl lives there with fear of being kidnapped or arrested for something they may say or do. They attended them well, showed about their technology and felt proud about it. If Tiktok is so bad China propaganda, stealing data or whatever and deserves to be banned, so let’s ban X as well, which is way worse and recently explicit nazi and faccho propaganda, by the way supported by Musk, the warrior protector of free speech.


I finally went into my very first Persona game with Persona 3 Reload and… yes, count me as another Persona fan. Although I still have a preference for Like a Dragon ( I just love their minigames ).