XboxEra Community Hangout |OT12| The Dirty Dozen

I really wish Sony had not “hijacked” this. Or whatever tf happened.

Even Xbox fans should disagree with this simply because if you were to see what the game was BEFORE Sony decided to fund and publish the game, you probably wouldn’t want it because it looked mediocre and wasn’t polished at all.

The only reason Stellar Blade is rated as high as it is, is due to Sony funding the game for the last 3+ years and putting a lot more money, resources and time into the game.

As for Stellar Blade itself, my prediction was 85 - 88 on Open Critic. Currently sits at an 85 with 97% recommended with 37 reviews thus far. I’m expecting it to stay at 85 even when it hits close or above 100 reviews. I pre-ordered the digital deluxe edition yesterday and am hyped to play it. Plus, im off from work this weekend so I will have plenty of time to play the game. Let’s go baby!!! :joy:


Lol if it had been on Xbox too, or an Xbox exclusive, I doubt that particular reviewer would be giving it the same glowing review…


This is hilarious because I know a lot of people here go off on Digital Foundry thinking that they’re favored towards Sony while on IconEra for example, they believe the opposite. Point of me saying this is that I just find it hilarious that both sides believe that Digital Foundry favors the other. It’s literally comical. lmao


I wonder how Sony missed it or now just got it when the game isn’t even out yet.

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The guy has quite clearly preferred Sony in many instances, he’s not hidden it - I do believe most of Digital Foundry aren’t particularly biased, but he has often gone after Xbox for things he lets slide with PlayStation, and makes excuses for them.

You’ve even said so in the past yourself, on the thread about Digital Foundry, from what I recall


Well, yeah. John definitely has at times but he’s also praised Microsoft as well. I think they’re usually down the middle in general. For John, it was always mainly because until recently, you couldn’t play Xbox disc based games without going online and he’s old school and wants to play the game without downloading patches and whatnot which for what he does at Digital Foundry does make sense.

I was guessing 78 meta for steller blade do to reviewers being sensitive to the sexualizing of Eve but it scored better and is at an 82. So it must be bad now right since starfield was trash at 83 according to a lot of people lol. I hope it sells well. That developer has a lot of promise

I’ve never found the DF guys particularly bias. I have only ever found their dismay over console wars comical when they know that the content they produce fuels those fires. Whether that is their intent or not (its not) , that is the reality, and you have to own it and disavow it. Which is something they don’t do loudly enough.

I think they are truly just trying to examine tech objectively. Hell, Richard and Alex are PC guys. Neither give a shit about console superiority.


Yup, trash confirmed! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Really though, I saw Fextralife’s video thumbnail and it says “game of the year contender?” I really doubt that. But hey, it’s subjective too.

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Only had a problem with them when they weren’t covering some Xbox version of games and I got pushback from that lol.

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Nah, it didn’t look as bad as you make it out. Obviously, it was earlier in production, but it looked cool back then in my opinon and a title I wanted to play.

I can’t find the original upload, but this was the last trailer of its multi-platform existence:

The truth is that it wouldn’t exist due to the money difficulties of the developing studio and Sony stepped in.



That trailer is from the PlayStation Showcase in September 2021 and was already under Sony at that time. I actually found the original April 2019 reveal trailer and while it actually looks pretty good, it’s not actual gameplay. It’s from their game engine which always looks better than the actual game.

Agreed. It probably wouldn’t have survived without Sony’s involvement and if it somehow did, who knows how it would have turned out.

But as it currently is, im super hyped to play it on Friday and honestly, the game should be celebrated not because it’s exclusive or because it’s Sony and PlayStation but because it’s Shift Up’s very first console game, a new IP and is very well polished and optimized which let’s be honest, publishers including Sony, Microsoft, Ubisoft, Square Enix, EA, Capcom, etc. who have been around for decades have released games from far more established and well known studios that weren’t any good or release in a technical state that requires you to wait months in order for the game to be not just playable but more importantly, enjoyable.


So that would mean MS wasn’t willing to do what Sony was willing to do? It’s a bummer, but ah well.

I’ll play it once I buy that Pro.

Shouldn’t Stellar Blade be discussed more in the PS5 thread anyway? I’m not going to be getting particularly excited or interested for a game I can’t play given I don’t have a PS5 atm…

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Isn’t the community hangout supposed to be for everything in general?

That is debated. I personally hate these catch-all threads especially when there are more fitting spots elsewhere already. All these sort of threads do is duplicate what’s usually already posted elsewhere. At the same time they make it impossible to tell what is happening or being discussed, because it’s “everything”. From an organizational standpoint, they are pure rubbish. /vent


never base your opinion on anything said on iconera.


I actually agree with you. I preferred the original forum setup of just the one “gaming” section and that’s it. Have games be in the OT it belongs in or those who want to can just make a new topic like when a new game is announced like the recently Kingdom Come 2 game.

I’m on IconEra. I do agree with certain things they say but just like here, I don’t agree all the time. :slight_smile:

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