XboxEra Community Hangout |OT12| The Dirty Dozen

A Racist dogwhistle.


people are against





Their games? These people dont even play xD


I’m seeing a lot of weird shit and racism appearing online, especially with this election cycle coming up in both the US and Canada and right wing ideology coming into the spotlight and a lot of people I didn’t expect agreeing with those. I’ve actually cut bridges with people I know or I’m getting close with some because of how they have been these last few months and how I didn’t even know until recently.

Really sad times and social media isn’t helping.


Lol got to admit with getting older I swear I’m getting more squeamish about games too - or maybe it’s as graphics get better.

I generally prefer games don’t sexualise, except when it goes with the story - Mass Effect for example in addition to making you care deeply about your team would let a relationship develop over the trilogy that made a team member extra important to your character (which helps with role playing).

But when I was a kid I didn’t care, and I didn’t care about running over civilians in GTA3 or blowing bits off people etc.

Now I hate when a game makes me kill animals for an objective, don’t particularly like too much gore unless the enemy has been established as a really bad person (and will often use the takedown approach unless the enemies are actual nazis or it’s me or them) and generally play as lawful good (although I’ll happily blow a bad person’s brains out to stop them coming back / hurting people).

Saying that I now love Powerwash Simulator, House Flipper and puzzle games - maybe I’m just old and like being comfy lol


Yeah. A lot of people I thought were OK have been letting their masks slips. As always though I am glad when people show me who they really are. I block and move on.

Fair enough. For me over the top gore is too cartoony to really bother me where realistic violence tends to be more disturbing. All in the way it’s done. You mention GTA , I used to be one of those who went on rampages taking out hundred of npc’s in the old GTA for shits and giggles. But when the “HD era” GTAs came out and the npcs started acting more lifelike and realistic as opposed to the robotic ones of the Xbox/PS2 era games, I stopped doing that because they seemed more like actual people going about their lives and shit lol. So I get that.


Yeah I guess I mean more realistic stuff too - over the top doesn’t bother me, but for example in AC Valhalla when the Boneless knobhead tortures a prisoner to death in an horrific fashion (after killing an innocent who’d trusted them and was close to the main character) I really didn’t like that the developer did it and stopped me interfering.

On the plus side I got to kill the sod and not let him go to Valhalla - when I talk about justified violence in games I would have appreciated killing him the same way he did the prisoner, but that’s probably why realistic violence is bad as it increases the sadism in the player too, saying that it was pretty cathartic!

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Another Fallout game could be coming “sooner rather than later”, following the success of the TV adaptation.

This is according to Jez Corden from Windows Central, who says that Xbox is “currently formulating plans” on how to ship a new Fallout game sooner than expected. It’s unclear if this would take the form of Fallout 5 or a spin-off developed by another studio entirely, especially as Bethesda has both Starfield and The Elder Scrolls 6 to work on first.

So let’s say this happens, it’s Jez, who knows, what studio though?

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I tried Eiyuden Chronicle Rising yesterday. I spent a few hours with it. I liked it but it was kind of a chore to play so I stopped.

Then I switched to Hundred Heroes and wow, it’s really great. It starts really fast. Idk why, but the starting characters felt immediately memorable and I like the mystery and the war looming. And it looks really good. I’m digging it. Thanks Xbox Era reviewer and GP.


Grubb said the same 2 years ago.

But yeah, no idea how it gets done. You could probably have Avowed team roll into it. Or InXile post Clockwork Revolution. Wouldn’t be surprised if they’d rather work Wasteland though lol.

That Grounded team is finally moving on…


Pentiment, Grounded, and Avowed teams to combine.


Actually, couldn’t it be a multi studio production? Like let’s say Obsidian and InXile working on it together to get it out the door faster? That plus external studios. Pretty sure with the right people they could get it done in 3-4 years.

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Smooshing teams that haven’t worked together before doesn’t always = faster production.


Yeah it should be interesting what ends up happening. I remember Todd saying he would do Fallout 5. It was in the same interview where he said he wishes he had a magic wand to get games out quicker.

Todd isn’t going to let anyone other than himself/Bethesda work on FO5 so if another game was coming it would be a spin off like NV

Obsidian is really the only team out there that makes sense and I suppose once Avowed ships that team could start on it while the TOW2 team could join whenever it ships

A proper Fallout game would require the entire Obsidian studio eventually and likely require bulking up even further, 250 devs is nothing for games of this scale, they also wouldn’t have FO3 as a baseline like NV had back in the day so it would be much more work

but that’s all assuming Obsidian even want to work on it, right now their absolute best bet is supporting 76 as well as they can, many people have now seen that it’s actually a very solid game including myself


Tempt Josh Sawyer back for New Vegas 2 by offering up a ton of Bicycle parts and rare Cocktail ingredients.


New studio. Or new team inside Bethesdsa. Obsidian should be let to do their own things.

I have no doubt Bethesda and MS would have been actively looking to get a Fallout game made for a while, it’s unfortunate that almost every proper studio for it is busy until 2025 the earliest, and that is as you said assuming they even have the passion and pitch for it. Even if something gets started 2025 let’s say, that’s around 2030 release.

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Sawyer was just talking about letting teams take on smaller projects after bigger ones to avoid churn, and now everyone wants Obsidian to do Fallout. Guess gamers and the media were just giving him lip service when they agreed with him.


yeah about that

We may get a Fallout 3 Remaster “sooner rather than later”. Fallout 5 has not started yet so i don’t expect anything before 2030.